The primary message that wE wanted to land was think beyond the 10 blue links - and you made that leap")
the ability to compile data points far outstrips the ability to use it effectively..
What do you need to succeed in business? You need the ability to think critically and communicate.
Operational Complexity - through natural forces of business and competition, technology and regulation..
Operational Efficency - reducing costs, reducing inefficiency and non-value-added stuff that gets built in, and reducing lots of frustration..
there’s a direct line of sight to what they’re contributing and to what customers are receiving..
Caustic – scathing, acerbic, sarcastic .
The risk you run is...
I'd like to understand if the value created elsewhere is applicable here.
They want to calculate the margin of error.
One potential differentiator may be time to market ...
Can you work the numbers such that...
PRICING> Price your products as you normally would. At the end, introduce a ridiculous price with the freakish bells and whistles. Makes lower price look cheap.
USE DON'T ALWAYS KNOW WHAT THEY WANT> As Henry Ford said, if we had asked the users what they want, they would have told us 'A FASTER HORSE' .
lack of confidence is SELF-PERPETUATING.
In order to gain confidence and experience, there has to be the less successful events to provide the learning..
evaluate it in the perspective of it not being the norm, but the exception that warrants some consideration as to why it went wrong to ensure lessons are learnt..
Acrimony – rancour, spite, bitterness, hostility, ill will .
Such Acrimony – rancour, spite, bitterness, hostility, ill will .
That was an Anomaly – irregularity, incongruity, variance, abnormality .
Dichotomy of responses – division into two contradictory or exclusive entities; something with two contradictory qualities.
Euphemism – inoffensive or agreeable substitute for an expression that may be distasteful or offensive .
Harbinger – herald, portent, omen, forerunner.
Misnomer – inappropriate designation or incorrect name .
Non Sequitur – a response unrelated to or not following logically from a previous statement.
Panacea solution – cure-all, magic potion, universal remedy .
Paradox – inconsistency, contradiction, impossibility, illogicality .
Nothing but hollow Rhetoric .
Sycophant – flatterer, toady.
Caustic – scathing, acerbic, sarcastic .
Esoteric – obscure, mysterious, cryptic, arcane .
Fastidious – fussy, finicky, particular .
Glib – persuasive, smooth, slick .
Gregarious – extroverted, sociable, unreserved, convivial .
Idiosyncratic – individual, personal, distinctive, eccentric, peculiar .
Infinitesimal – minuscule .
Insidious – sinister, menacing .
Lurid – shocking, explicit, vivid, sensational .
Maudlin – overly sentimental, mawkish, soppy .
Mercenary – serving only for sordid advantage or money .
Ostentatious – showy, flamboyant, pretentious, grandiose .
Perfunctory – unthinking, dutiful, obligatory, token, automatic .
Quintessential – typical, prototypical, archetypal, model, standard .
Stoic – unaffected by or not showing response to pain, distress, or other discomfort .
Suave- smooth, polite, urbane, debonair, sophisticated, charming, gracious .
Ubiquitous – everywhere, ever-present, omnipresent .
Untenable – weak, unsound, invalid, shaky, flawed, indefensible, unsustainable .
Zealous – enthusiastic, passionate, fervent, ardent, obsessive, fanatical, extreme .
Equivocate – prevaricate, beat around the bush, vacillate .
Finagle – obtain by indirect or convoluted means or through trickery .
Malinger – feign or exaggerate incapacity or illness to avoid work or other duties .
Ostracize – exclude, shun, snub .
Revel – celebrate, take intense please in something .
Waft – drift, float, be carried on a breeze.
the USER EXPERIENCE is the product.
they are establishing PAYWALLS arounf their product.
It does not significantly MOVE THE NEEDLE.
That all sounds great but what's the STING IN THE TAIL?.
Bing - This is all about Microsoft hurting Google's margins - its full on war.
Decision Box> Nice to have vs. Must have, High Value vs. Low Value.
Humans have extreme difficulty in actually seeing a difference of less than 15%.
Minimise Choice:When you have 100 options to choose from the critical skill isn’t choosing 5 but sacrificing 95.
It's like Trying to change the wheels on a moving car.
It's a little out of step with our notion of.
quite simply...
This Raises entry barriers for competitors.
Invested learning. Familiarity. Interoperability. This Creates a switching costs for customers.
We have laid down a few speed bumps just so we can manage the progress.
Look, look shiny object.
There’s a hole in the boat, and it’s taking on water..
We are on the same sinking ship but only some of us are rowing to safety though all will benefit.
I'd like to hear that first hand.
What we do have at our disposal is...
All jokes aside,...
It's always harder to make a case for lost hours than for lost dollars...
We want to make it friction free.
Need to make this a consumable price point.
We need to hammer down the functional requirements...
GROUP THINK. The values and beliefs of the group are far more important than the individuals.
I guess the fundamental question is, ...
it is such a radical departure from the current...
You don't always have to solve the problem, sometimes its smarter to simply concentrate on finding the solution.
This will help to raise your awarness to your BLIND SPOTS.
You are what you think you are just as the world is what you think it is.
Move from an environment that reenforced a negative self limiting mindset.
We want to drive those efficencies across the organisation.
It is a coming together of a number of powerful forces...
This increase in efficencies through technology adoption, may be at the detriment of some departments.
He is a very capable Sales person indeed.
we are cost saving at the detriment of the developing world.
I'd just like to follow up on that...
Can you quickly outline in a few words...
We do have an appreciation for...
Everyone wants to be the architect not many want to be the builders.
because it’s a feature sell, not a solution sell.
Want to get the 10,000ft view before we delve in.
Search can be the underlying solution but not always the immediately obvious goal .
We need to understand the user journey.
We don't sell products, we sell solutions..there is a fundamental difference.
Pricing was very agressive, wasn't much to shave off it.
We need to start rattling the cage a little to get some responses.
I think that was a case of user error more than anything else.
USers want to simply do their job in the easiest and quickest possibly way that does not requie them to learn something 'new' or change behaviour.
Beauty in UX is required to create an EMOTIONAL BOND to the product - creates affinity that they want to tell the world about.
You can use a knife to open a can of beans but it wont be as pleasant and easy a process as using something perfectl designed for that requiremeny , can opener.
It comes down to their subjective world view.
A key enabler is...
They are not adopting en masse but they have made the first step in that direction, acceptance...
CLOUD COMPUTING - transitioned from: electrical mills & own generators - single grid plug into - wasted capital - data centres overcapacity for peaks (avg 20% utilisation)) + labour costs .
>READING: Kill that voice in your head. Silently repeating words slows you down. SCAN THE SENTENCES. ROCK FROM SIDE TO SIDE!.
>SUCCEDING: Seek an X% increase in______by today/this-week/this-month/this-year.
>NEGOTIATING: And I'll throw in my pet frog!.
>FORCED CHOICES: Do you prefe A or B? Offer up a 3rd alternative that makes other two appealing.
>OFFER A NON-CHOICE TO MAKE INITIAL OFFER LOOK BETTER: 30% of A & 60% of B or 10% of A and 65% of B.
It creates this feedback loop that feeds CTR back into the system to determine the relevancy.
Its a configuration not a coding excercise.
I want to take you back for a moment to...
This may be quite appealing to a broad audience...
There is an OPPORTUNITY COST ATTRIBUTED to making that choice...
I think this will allow us have that conversation around.
HOW THIS WORKS IS THAT ___{how}. THIS IS USEFUL FOR ME AS A __{role}___ BECAUSE ___{why:benefit}___..
BAD NEWS> Don't focus on the apologising for the negative, focus on the upside of the alternative - I can't today vs. You know tomorrow is better because.. .
There is no cost to have no opinion.
We need to shift the thinking around this...
Damned if you do, damned it you don't.
So, right, just so I have this clear. Let me replay what I think you mean.
A few things spring to mind, firstly...
There was a sharp intake of breadth when the annoucement was made.
Would it be possible for you to send me the brief on...
It falls short of a , but it does meet the fundamental requirements.
There should be a lot more slideware collateral coming out of Marketing ...
The demo Gods are not on my side apparently.
successful companies are great at incremental innovation and bad at disruptive innovation.
I don't want to be a pixel pusher.
Need to design within the parameters of the possible.
In the SHORT HEAD, companies compete on price, availability & marketing capital - in the LONG TAIL it is about satisfying niche tastes .
It boils down to BEHAVIOURAL ECONOMICS, people are driven by incentives.
This is part of a wider initiative to...
we need to understand our limitations.
we want to avoid reaching a stall point.
Giving an illogical version of two alternatives makes the logical version more appealing e.g. Print Economist £50 , print & web £100, web £100.
I'm of the KISS school of thought, keep it simple, minimise risk.
No one person can do everything, but everyone can do something.
We need to have a compelling side story.
This is conceptually similar to..
The problem is around the model of.
The problem relates to.
There is an intelligence component to.
If You Think Hiring A Professional Is Expensive, Wait Until You Hire An Amateur.
As it stands right now...
What you seek to suppress only generates further interest.
We need to avoid any Single points of failure .
Counter-intuitive as it sounds, sometimes it is important to spend in order to save.
People commit to a future they have had a hand in creating.
The biggest reason sales people fail is that they spend 60% of the selling time with people who will not or can not buy.
cut off the competition by building your own competitor. e.g. Microsoft's Free Ad-based Online Office version..
We need to leave room for negotiation...
One important key to success is self-confidence. An important key to self-confidence is preparation.
Better a diamond with a flaw than a pebble without.
Knowledge is a process of piling up facts; wisdom lies in their simplification .
Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit; Wisdom is not putting it in a Fruit salad.
A man would do nothing if he waited until he could do it so well that no one could find fault.
To escape criticism - do nothing, say nothing, be nothing .
I don't want to belittle your efforts in any way, don't get me wrong, if anything I commend your efforts.
What is the overhead in terms of cost...
We need to put together a story board to set the vision and guiding principles.
That was nice and painless!.
John, Will help take us up to speed on those peices in a moment...
When the tide of ecit,ment is in you don't niotice the wrecks beneath the surface, but as soon as it withdraws all the wrecks become visible.
That have come to the surface over the past few weeks...
Unfortunately, companies sometimes launch RFPs when they have no intention of buying. Sometimes, it’s just somebody trying to look busy. Sometimes its somebody who wants some free research..
We want to avoid the common pitfalls.
Placebo button - the Door Close button is there mostly to give passengers the illusion of control.
It gives the illusion of control.
We want to join, how do we make the most of that opportunity.
So lets get some actions written down.
Its a breadth, bottom of the Pyramid play.
SharePoint thinks its a content management masquerades as one.
We want to cement our position in phase 1.
An amazing journey to be part of.
Its a case of hear it once ignore it, hear it twice maybe ignoreit, hear it a third time take note.
We need to handle objections effectively.
They are a top-tier customer.
So, in summary we are certainly moving forward...
If there is anything we can do now, do it now..
BULGE BRACKET - The largest companies in the industry. .
CHANNEL STUFFING - Company inflates its sales figures by forcing more products through the distribution channel than the channel is capable of selling .
High Risk - probability of getting caught * severity of punishment .
That gives us a bit more latitude/longitude.
The half-life is decreasing - the time required for something to fall to half its initial value .
We will look at having that done within the next 36 - 24 hours.
Need to disambiguate between existing customer (better serve – How do I? Where do I?) and new customer (up-sell – I want.. Give me..).
It is fundemnatlly integral to the success.
Of course we want to do our utmost to help, but we can't deliver the impossible.
The purpose is to create competitive seperation, excitement and vision.
But What I can tell you is that.
We need to increase utilisation.
it offers functional parity with ...
There is a massive overhead cost.
Failure is never permanent.
We are approaching the final leg.
What do the facts indicate?.
We operate in the top-tier segment, middle-tier segment, but have conceeded the bottom tier segment.
For the sake of simplicity let's say we have.
We need to be measured in our response to.
Our preference, the one we are putting al our weight behind is...
The market will need some time to get there, and we’ll be leading the charge.
One thing I want to emphasise is...
I Don't want to take that fight. Choose your battles wisely.
They need to understand the nuts and bolts.
Customers arent always great at telling you what they want but they are certainly experts at telling you what they don't want.
We need to cover every possible eventuality.
People who are desperate enough don't look very hard at the evidence...apricot pits..Mexico..Sweden.
The manager's function is not to make people work effectively, but to make it POSSIBLE for people to work effectively..
and I am eager to ensure we do not hit any road blocks .
We need to identify the differential.
I really want to set the stage for ...
Its a case of, only add things to the boat that make it go faster.
This brings a whole lot of clarity to what we are trying to achieve and I'll tell you why...
Just after reflecting on those points you mentioned there .
What needs to happen between now and next meeting.
I want to establish that as our key guiding principles.
luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity.
These should help get you up to speed.
The reason for the meeting/call is to .
In terms of immediate upside...
They have been quite aggressive in terms of.
Very aggressive pricing.
His control is slowly being eroded.
I'd encouage you to follow up on .
We first need to be as good as the incumbent, but then we need to create a differential in order to be better...
Have we devised a plan of attack.
They had locked horns on the topic.
Have we decided on the division of labour.
This will serve to give us a credible start.
It's more evolution than revolution .
I'd like to get a better understanding of the audience.
Can you share with us...
I have not had time to digest those documents yet, .
Firstly we need to understand...
When I get a better handle on that I will.
Let's take one giant step back.
We need to identify whree one begins and the other ends.
You are expressing opinions without any supporting data.
The big opportunities are...
so. The point I'm trying to make is...
Jot to diminish in anyway your efforts...
We need to hit pause and re-asses where we are.
He thinks that's a big pill to swallow, but that's not such a big pill to swallow!.
There is a negative connotation associated with...
We need to transform it into...we need to re-imagine it.
We all have our own moral compass.
That is nothing to them, a mere ROUNDING ERROR.
In advance of any...
I believe our energies can be used on more worthwhile endeavours.
There are a number of alarm bells that are triggered when certain conditions are met..this here triggers several of them...
We need something to awaken their dormant desire to...
The expert in that area is ___ and he could speak a lot more eloquently on that topic.
They suffer from myopia, too short sighted.
Their technology would be a good fit for what you are trying to achieve.
I would like for you to coach me on...
We need to determine the intersection of A and B.
Just as an interesting side note...
Open source has good enough functionality, good enough scalability,...
What's your grievance..
We need to transition from generalisation to specialisation. From addressing all needs to addressing specific business neeeds: legal, e-discovery, research services.
We are part of a larger community, not just a collection of our own private little worlds.
Where are the facts to support you're argument?.
Any company who's core product can be reduced to 1s and 0s will be disrupted by the internet.
Its pareto's 80:20 rule, 20% of your customers will provide 80% of your reveune.
Motivation and commitment is a lot more valuable to me than capability.
We need to get on the bandwagon...
It has come fuyll circle.
Maybe at a greater frequency it would have more impact...
This helps to put it into context.
Is my wife dissatisfied with my body? A very large part of me says no!.
There is a trust defeceit between us.
There is an element of...
Well that validates my belief that .
One of the leading indicators is ...
You need to future proof yourself.
I just wanted to follow up with you on .
I just wanted to reach out to you for several reasons. Firstly, I wanted.
today's primary currency is information...
You cannot improve what you cannot measure.
SharePoint - Low cost, high visibility solutions that increase user adoption and add real value to a customer's implementation.
It is very much a kludge of bolt on parts that don't sit comfortablly together.
The sphere of influence includes...
They are trying to push there own agenda...
Revenue generators versus Reducing the cost to serve.
Price is a factor but not the only factor. It comes down to RTE - Relationships. Trust. Execution Record..
Positive reinforcement is exponentially more powerful than negative reinforcement.
There is a switching cost..its too expensive in terms of time, money & hassle to move away.
there are a number of features underpinned by search.
It is infinitely better in terms of ...
It was a drawn out, protracted response ...
It exposes a serious lack of judgement.
So what are the priority points here.
Need to win their hearts and minds through...
We are essentially playing catch-up.
I'm not entirely convinced that they can meet those timelines.
He had a rather cursory (careless) approach.
We need to both differentiates AND de-commoditizes.
you don’t need to know it inside and out to start getting mileage out of it. .
We need to attack the very core of...
The unloved child of ....
A solitary, singular...
we have several distinct agendas at play here.
I don't mean to be crude her but...
I haven't had any exposure to.
What it does is, it presents, an opportunity to break free from the pack.
My perception was challenged by...
There is certainly upside...
an unsavory reputation.
This however is more work than we can accommodate at this stage.
The company is so diffused that it is being pulled in opposing directions with new focus.
Is Google Docs as good as Microsoft Office? No, and it likely never will be. The thing is, it doesn’t have to be as good. Users are overshot right now..
That's a false dichotomy - dichotomy is any splitting of a whole into exactly two non-overlapping parts.
Defunct - no longer used.
Let it be known that...
Its quite a sobering realisation that...
moral flexibility.
Unfortunately I can't as I need to be focused ...
Freemium - Give away 90% of your content for free, in order to upsell the 10% at a price. Get them coming, get them hooked then sell the value add services..
Give away the head & sell the tail - The short head of the curve is best to monetize with advertisements, eople don't want to pay they can get it everywhere. The long tail is niche special interests where users are more price insensetive..
4 different stages in the technology lifecycle - Critical Price. Critical Mass. Disruption. Commoditization. .
In principal I am in agreement with this, however there are some caveats...
We need to understand the cost of inaction...
There is an Erosion of Consumer Loyalty.
There is a fundamental shift from the infomation economy to social economy - wisdom of the anonymous web versus wisdom of friends.
In order for it to stick, we need to fit it into their existing knowledge sockets.
BRIEFING: The current status? Where we would like to take it? Where I believe you can add significant value..
One way to get ahead, is to change the rules of the game.
It is a humbling experience .
After taking root in a simple, less functionally rich application, disruptive in. get better until they change the game, relegating previously dominant firms to the sidelines.
Innovators Dilemma - Companies innovate faster than our lives change to adopt those innovations, creating opportunities for disruptive innovations - low end/overserved & new entrants/non-consumption.
There is a diffusion of responsibility.
choice overload consumes our cycles and productivity.
The three basic flavours of incentive - Social, Economic, Moral.
Control Principle+The Imminent Threat+The Dread Factor - Airplane v Car + Terrorist v Heart Disease + In sleep v In pieces.
Requesting - So, what your telling me is you can't/ will not /don't want to help me....
Comparitive Advantage - specialize in goods/service it has comparative cost/skill advantage and then trades with other nations for their speciality - each party gains.
Over Shoot customers - drive a F1 car in first gear - maintenance & cost vs. utilisation.
sustaining innovations move firms along the traditional performance trajectory, disruptive ones establish an entirely new performance trajectory..
It is not completely done but it is certainly nearing completition.
Well that is not entirely true.
We need to be more aggressive on two fronts a) .. b)...
We are using a search based algorithm to enable us...
Search will play an increasing role in data integration and the marriage of structured & unstructured data..sitting alongside databases .
provide a solution to manage the increasing fragmentation of information.
Does an inbuilt sunset clause exist?.
He was a complete wallflower.
I am gamekeeper turned poacher so i know it from both sides.
Its a fire hose approach, only on or off, there is no middle ground.
Need to be able to turn off the tap at a whim.
Its the sub-bulge long-tail.
It doesn't take a great intellectual leap to move from...
Need to get a handle on.
Need to cover every eventuality.
Opens up a world of possibilities that were previously inconceivable.
Inside the bulge bracket.
It sits where you might have expected it to, in the ___ range.
I just want to talk a little bit around.
Previous generation solutions were limited with respect to .
Ancestors of todfay's solutions were...
If we could even partially deffer payments of...
I'm not entirely sure that ...
Just to bruing the other players into play.
This far exceeds any previous.
Its an eat what you kill mentality.
We are simply parking tanks on their lawn to keep them in line.
We are simply firing shots across their bow to keep them alert.
the average employee can no longer afford to be merely average.
A solution to manage the increasing fragmentation of information.
Innovation DICE: Deep Features. Intelligent Design. Complete Solution. Elegant Design. .
The brain runs on about 40Watts of power - enough to power a dim lightbulb.
We need to determine the best bets to take.
Optimisum bias - focus on the benefits and underweigh the costs.
We can zero in on...
We leverage the wisdom of searches.....
lets work on that assumption.
Would you like to share with us what...
Its generic versus specialised - swiss army knife versus steak knife.
I have recently discovered the benefis of...
Google's starnglehold on search is loosening.
I don't think anyone will disagree that there is a problem...
Before I hand it over to....
Well, I don't want to be a YES-MAN, so let me challenge you on that.
That may all be well and good on paper, but in practice there are a lot of opposing forces...
In conjunction with...
It is of statistical significance.
We need to seperate the signal from the noise.
REGRESSION NALYSIS: data analysis approach that is used to predict one variable by knowing one or more other variables..
Its a leaky dam, you plug one hole and it springs another leak.
Well, they both have their merits.
We are currently trying to get a handle on...
We need to harnass the collective wisdom of...
phased approach - implement the functionality that gives the highest value for the least amount of effort.
We need to challenge the assumption that...
The value has been squeezed out of...
There is a desire to...
So, my point is...
lack of adoption.
They are viewing it through a different lens. A lens which...
Perception. If you tell them the wine they’re tasting costs $90 a bottle. It is proven to taste nicer..
So, have we layed out the potential risk...
seeding (preparing the site for growth), feeding (keeping fresh, relevant content pumping through the system) and weeding (pruning old content and analyzing data).
A small part of me says...
Show me a happy loser . and I'll show you a loser..
Can I ask...
I decline to comment...
Your argument is fundamentally flawed.
So, what you get is this short head and long tail distribution.
Ok. Let's sign and seal it then.
If it transpires that we need additional face time we can take it next weekIf it transpires that we need additional face time we can take it next week.
Can absorb it within his budget.
Once you can speak from a defensible.
Start chipping away at this..
I’m not fully convinced I understand.
We will need to wait until the dust finally settles.
It is a standard distribution.
there’s not just one single solution, but an almost endless supply of different options to be considered.
Let's keep life simple.
Conventional wisdom holds that .
In saying that,...
Ah, that old chestnut...
Just give me a few minutes to digest the information.
The thinking behind it is that....
The belief behind it is that....
It requires a change in behaviour which users typically resist.
It just doesn't fly...
It creates a smoke screen behind which...
There are a number of ancillary benefits to also consider.
remember bullets are for killing, and not for presenting.
They were forced to back pedal.
That allows us keep them on the hook...
We often get the question....
Its hanging in the balance...
There is no need to force the issue....
Don't come in swinging.
Don't come in guns blazing.
We are still trying to get a handle on.
I didn't answer your question there, let me do that...
Lets try and get the high level boxes and flows in place.
We would take the view that,...
Yeah, you would certainly miss a trick not to.
Well that is only one half of the coin.
Yes, I agree, it is certainly something to consider.
I think that simply reflects...
So, we can now walkthrough that scenario.
We need to have a lower entry point.
Such an action would serve only to denigrate our other sterling efforts.
We can go out and harvest that information and then crunch itin the pipeline.
It is encouraging to see.
That is my carrot.
We can quickly hone in.
We can quickly hone in.
It was extremely encouraging.
We need to generate some buzz around.
We can target content to the fit the audience.
Just a quick question on that...
Its in the eyes of the beholder.
Its unlikely we are going to strike oil.
Someone asked at a previous session.
In order to dramatically improve...
We need to hone our focus to...
Reduce the umber of false positives.
He has his finger on the pulse of...
Can you give me some real world use cases that support this idea.
It's beginning to sag under the weight of ...
You may be right in saying that it may not make it better. But it certainly won't make it worse right?.
We just need to take a thin slice here.
The really amazing thing here is..The cool thing I want to show you here is ..This is really awesome because..this is my favourite.
I dont know ___. What I do know is we are committed to providing.
By a quick show of hands,...
I would like to highlight ....
This next slide describes ....
Let me show you how ....
If there is anything you should take away from this session it is this.
So what did we learn there? We learned .
Are there any areas where you believe our solution falls short of your requirements?.
How would you see these being used in...
What aspects of this would be most relevant to your department...
Is this making sense? Is this too technical? Not technical enough?I can see eyes glazing over, is this useful?....
What I want to show you here is ..What you will notice here is ..This next section is important because ...
So, What does this mean for .. well this means that..So, What do I mean by this? I mean .
I agree with you that __ but to me the most important thing is that….
Such assumptions become self-fulfilling prophesies..
We need to have a deeper level discussion.
Search lowers the barriers to information access.
Everyone is of the opinion that he....
It supports a number of different Line of Business applications.
Well it isn't easy when you throw curve balls like that.
We are within striking distance.
If I quickly run theough some slides it may check off some of those questions you have.
So, that we start off on the right foot...
I think it is fair to say that.
It is a low touch solution. Meaning it requires very little hands on nuturing..
It is a high touch solution. Meaning it requires a lot of hands on nuturing..
We may be abvle to nudge ahead with the Microsoft story.
There is a general perception within Microsoft, be it accuarate or invalid, that ...
People don't buy software, they buy solutions built on software.
That is why I sugested we hold fire.
Less of an issue.
I will take an action on making sure that happens.
How do you advise we move this forward?.
We take care of the behind the scenes plumbing.
It is important that you have the right tools in order to shape your business and take it forward.
We are looking to extend the reach of...
To be honest, that is more myth than fact.
Both now and in the future..
The qualities that make a product or technology interoperable are independent of the means of its creation..
Microsoft is commited to ____. This is made evident by ...
I'm sorry you have that perception...
I recognise that I am not going to change your mind in one sitting but maybe I can give you some new evidence to consider..
In today's enviroinment, negative public sentiment spreads like wild fire.
It may be useful to position it first...
That is what I have understood from our previous interactions.
That is why I sugested they hold fire.
Less an issue of __ and more an issue of __.
If I could request a days grace.
How would you go about defining the plan for that type of activity.
Do you suggest we keep the dialogue open...
We don't have a burning bridge needing attention right now.
What we tend to observe from our customer base is that...
They are looking for a 'package price'.
The other side of the coin is...
Everybody is pushing in different directions...
It is completely absurd to assume that...
It is not unlike or dissimalar to...
We need to have those resources on stand-by.
Could you possible give a 30 minute rendition.
We need to identify what each party can bring to the table...
Its easy to pick problems, but its a lot more intellectually challenging to come up with solutions. Don't tell me about the errors I know them..
In order to future proof it we can.
Where does it sit on your priority list.
Who will take hold of the rails.
Its the classic bell-curve, the normal distribution.
is a process of elimination, not inclusion.
to be perfectly frank, my vested interest is...
We need to understand the fundamental processes that contribute to.
It sounds good but there is a sting in the tail in that...
They suffer from macropia, meaning an overly broad view of your industry.
I agree 110%.
Where you are now| Where you want to go | How to get there .
They asked you what time it was, and you told them the history of watches..
We are not in this to lose. We are in it to win it!.
Case closed!.
That would be a real leap forward.
When succes and a model is defined, then go global.
There is no single silver bullet that will fix everything.
You are bringing a knife to a gun fight.
We need to leverage existing resources.
We have existing resources we can leverage to our advantage.
One of my key objectives is to see this thru to success.
The question therefore becomes...
Trying to grow something new ot of something old.
That may look good on paper but in practice its a different story.
We need to accelerate profitibale growth.
Use wiggle words like perhaps and approximately.
We are happy to sit in the shadows of giants, the pie is enough to feed us all.
Its the art of the possible.
We need to get them to a baseline first.
I feel this solution will establish a good baseline foundation from which to build.
That's where we arrive to...
Let me rewind and start again.
You are Spot-on.
I’m increasingly hearing.
They are investing aggressively in ___ in rder to expand market share.
It's verging on the ridiculous.
The cost of in-action is an order of magnitude greater.
costs will climb hire.
This will cause a massive swell.
either didnt belive or refused to understand.
it increases exponentially.
What is the cost of failing to act.
It is a managed process that would require supervision.
They visibly crumbled under the strain.
The usual stuff but its now coming to a head.
They have really set the time to beat.
Let it run its course.
There are conversations going on in the background.
We are a rare breed my son.
I think I may have hit the panic alarm a little prematurely.
What are the consequences of going this route?.
Why did this work?.
Based on your experience, what do you suggest we do here?.
Apple did not compete on price or functionality they reinvent the 'customer experience.'.
Apple's Itunes and app stores uses Infrastructure (or ecosystem) as a competitive barrier..
initially undercut the competition to gain entry and early market share.
Its nothing but old wine in new bottles.
lets look at it from a wider perspective.
Such actions are a slap in the face to hard working individuals.
What we are discovering, what is coming to light is.
just to cast my vote into the ballot,...
We need to identify the quick-wins that will strengthen the business case.
We need to isolate the error.
Put it in their hands and they are less likely to refuse, set the emotive scene so they can visualise themselves with it.
I can share some recent experience in this area.
That would enable us generate the business case to make an investment in the software.
I can take that away as an action item.
It is a multi-stage process involving a number of intricate steps, firstly.
Just to toss in my 2 cents.
We are identifying the candidate groupings.
We need to capture that information and feed it back into the pipeline.
In terms of the search pieces ...
Cost avoidance are being brought about through virtualisation and infrastructure consolidation.
lets take A as an example...
In the abscence of.
We can truncate to more manageable parts.
We need to shave off the excess fat, streamline.
It requires a purge of the current effort so far.
It will require a reset to zero.
Need to move the unique value contribution to another plane - ipod did not create the best mp3 player, they created the best user experience.
The cost does not justify the potential gain.
Inorder for me to skill up it will require me annoying people and asking dummy questions.
The effort does not justify the potential gain.
Failing a succesful attempt to.
I don't know where to start,.. Can you give me the 2 minute trailer.
What happens is they slip through the net.
I guess the good news is.
There is a critical path or sequence of events where the next step cannot commence until the previous is satisfied.
and I use the term Theory loosely.
I'm sure we all recognise that.
It is something we can revisit at a latter stage.
It may just be beyond our current reach.
It is currently beyond my understanding.
What do you need from me in order to get this over the line.
I would fire that query at our support team.
A lot of it we would hope to shave off as excess fat.
The final resting place for it will be.
Looking at our current pipeline.
The data tier can reside in one data centre while the application tier resides in another data centre.
That would be approaching it from the cost avoidance angle.
That would be approaching it from the profit improvement angle.
He dips his toes into nothing but shallow water.
She can run the train along a track to maximum utility. But when new tracks need to be created and deviations need to be made she falls down.
I think its a good middle ground.
It can be attributed to human-error.
Main market appeal services with big draw should be free to drive traficc.
Those very few niche users who are interested in a specialist topic, are so intereested they will pay.
To be honest, it is not going to sit high on my priority list.
reticent - reserved or restrained,reluctant to draw attention to yourself .
I must commend you on that...
require a lot of tweaking before hitting this baseline.
Reach out to those guys if need be.
My key message here is...
I'm not in anyway suggesting.
So at a Macro level.
So at a Micro level.
Websites unlike enterprise documents are created for two sets of eyes .... those of human readers and those of web crawlers.
They were certainly making the right noises.
They have very much set the time to beat.
unfortunately perception is reality.
We are seeing a fundamental shift.
The primary access point now becomes.
People think using facts and figures but act based on emotion.
That is the demograph we focus on.
I'm not entirely sure THAT WOULD ADD VALUE,...
Having said that,...
With that in mind,...
We are getting a lot of mileage out of this.
They would need to scale out operations to accomodate the increased demand..does such a plan exist?.
whether the smaller-scale operational activities of a company are aligned with its larger-scale objectives in terms of vision and strategy..
It is a fundamental shift in how.
Everything starts to click into place.
The fundamental differences.
I know we can't guarantee it will work, but if we don't do it,it definitely won't work.
rely on our partners to build vertical functionality on top of our powerful search platform.
The fundamental principles.
The fundamental premise holds that.
Certainly glad we didn't jump in head first with a PoC before checking what was behind the wall.
All under one roof, a one-stop shop if you will.
What happens is, it clogs up resources that could be better utilised.
What happens is, it forms a bottle neck.
There has definitely been a deceleration.
wheels are starting to spin in the mental mud.
Beginning to scratch the surface of the thick bureaucratic wall with his restructuring toothpick.
Let me ask you why is this important to you..we can maybe attack it from a different angle.
why you're doing it, what you expect from participants, and what's on the table and what isn't.
endemic - restricted to a specified region or locality.
Twitter is the canary in the coal mine of public opinion for - brands, companies, celebs, politicians.
Lead by Making it THEIRS , not YOURS.
It requires Systemic changes not in isolation but that feed into the bigger system.
insidious - working or spreading in a hidden way so that all are unaware.
suggestion and not a directive.
So I guess the question is then...
Eh, yeeeaahhh...
Yes, it is supported but not recommended.
One argumernt is that.
Its a line-of-business application.
It brings a level of comfort.
It could be argued.
I would question their motives.
Its about execution readiness.
I don't want to be second guessing their.
It can be achieved but will require a significant amount of development effort and resource.
Microsoft have a lot more to lose. They have great reputations to uphold..
Everyone believes they are special.
Thats 2 strikes of 3 already.
My take on this is..My view is ...
So the follow up on that would then be.
He was talking very focus was more on the tangible pieces.
They have been slow burning for a while.
How much of a pain is this problem? What is the timeframe for resolving this? Has a budget been allocated? How much is the budget? Do you need to contact anyone else for sign-off?.
We are ofcourse, talking about both ends of the spectrum. But there is this massive chasm in the centre...
was a victim of its own success.
exactly - precisely.
consolidation of resources into a one stop shop, all under one roof.
If we wait for the moment when everything, absolutely everything is ready, we shall never begin..
Concerned about the adverse effect .
Can you explain more about this situation?.
What are the consequences of going this route?.
Why did this work in your opinion?.
Can that be done in any other way?.
Based on your experience, what do you suggest we do here?.
In terms of absolute value it is greater but not in terms of relative increment.
will help to breath life back into it.
It is in their DNA.
We need to make it part of their DNA.
we can use that as leverage.
Drilling down hard on the team.
IT hold the keys .
As we are smaller we need to change the game so that it is winnable on our terms.
??? Always answer a question with a question ??? Gives you time to think. Makes you seem smart. Sharpens the focus..
Being small gives you the flexibility to use your skills in new and creative ways.
depends if you want to be another Google or Microsoft or prefer to limit your ambitions..
I sense the story has been somewhat embellished.
Good Management - do whatever as long as I could explain the reasoning by way of documentation, conversations, support it with substantial evidence and quality work, track progress and report on real sales numbers and ROI, have a plan..never brush me off but rather listen intently and ask a lot of questions.
He may have bitten off more than he can chew.
There is no future in vanilla for most companies in a flat world. - the commercial future belongs to those who know how to make the richest chocolate sauce, the sweetest, lightest whipped cream, and the juiciest cherries to sit on top, or how to put them all together into a sundae.Vanilla will be provided free by the OS community..
has put me in the firing line.
Not only - Not exclusively.
Well based on their track record.
It is of mutual benefit.
the potential far exceeded the end result..
can i please finish..dont ask a question if you refuse to give the courtesy to answer.
We need to keep the activity level up.
That is not an unreasonable request in my opinion.
There has been a surge of activity .
We cannot leave it open ended, there needs to be parameters established.
It is a middle of the road solution.
It generates a completely false sense of security.
It does not have exponential potential. You have to put in twice as much effort to get twice as many gains..
It doesn't require a retro fit.
If we don't know where we are going, or how far, we cannot gauge how much effort it will require.
There are infinite possibilities.
It is similar to x in that they both, but that is where the all similarities end.
We need to make future proof developments.
It tooka bout 20 years for TVs to reach mass market penetration. 50 for the phone. And 15 for the internet..
I would be hesitant to...
Its like digital cameras, no one knew they needed one until they had one. Then they couldnt live without one..
TBased on what we know right now, i am leaning towards.
Where there’s smoke, there’s fire.
The overriding factor is.
Who are the incumbents at this point in time?.
The overriding objective for them is.
And that is why it has such a high utilisation.
We eliminate the need to.
Answer a difficult question with a 'WHY EXACTLY' question.
I've been spinning my wheels trying to ...
we need to get the cogs rolling.
what takeaways do we want them to have.
We have been forced to operate in the dark.
We have now entered a phase of damage control.
Not necessarily the best use of your time.
Same form different function versus different function same form.
This will now help to make it idiot-proof.
It does not require a massive overhaul, simply some cosmetic changes.
Hopefully its a bridge we don't have to cross.
I would question their ...
Everyone thinks theirs is special.
They have a lot more to lose.
__ Readiness.
They would not want to tarnish a squeaky clean reputation.
They have massive reputations to uphold.
It could be argued.
fired shots across the bows.
eh um syndrome.
We need to provide a certain level of comfort.
My take on this is.
The incentives mechanism doesn't drive the desired behaviour.
The economy is tough, but your company seems to be doing pretty well. Why is that?.
We need to prevent a culture of sanbagging.
What is the alternative?.
We are splitting a very small pot.
We can now pop the bonnet and look at the guts of it.
Need to sell it internally first.
Its not doing well, its on life support right now.
Let's not feed their expectations until we know exactly what is achievable.
Am I speaking in jargon again.
if we step up one level from the tree view to the forst view...
It can definitely be achieved, no question. However it will require a development effort.
It leaves a gaping hole.
This will enable us to get ahead of the curve.
what they call a taxi report.
now, if you want x..this is best however if.
if you think about what is needed..right?.
if you imagine for a second…right, well.
if you compare it to..right?.
X, You mentioned earlier that .. .
So, What does this mean for .. well this means that.
So, What do I mean by this? I mean ...
What I want to demonstrate to you here is ...
..Are you ok?.
what do I mean by this then?.
Is this a problem for you?.
Is this useful for you?.
ya know...
I tell you what,.
Let me just play back to you my understanding of the challenge at a high level... .
They have a completely different frame of reference.
We see only what is above the water line.
we’re not playing from a position of strength here.
We take a step up out of the trees and look at how to address the forest of information as a whole, so to speak.
Its spread far too thinly.
It was a sticky tape and blue tack solution.
still not 100% up to speed.
Aim to keep myself well informed.
Its an entire field of study by itself.
Haven't got it off the ground yet.
It is rendered redundant.
But will they reciprocate.
Riding on the coattails of ...
We need to create that killer app.
They will continue to drift.
Until we reach a breaking point, a juncture at ...
A possible limiting factor.
We are just awaiting directives.
We have encountered severe bottle necks with respect to.
Exactly - Precisly.
They have a lot more to loose if we walk away.
She folds over too easily.
As you begin to peel away the layers, the complexity greatly increases.
serve only to compound the issue of inconsistency.
The by-product of this is.
It would require reverse engineering to understand what they have done.
will be a case of too many cooks and too many questions.
There is a large shortfall.
Avoid getting entangled in .
If left at its natural frequency it will enter into an infinite loop.
In order to conclude.
It may create unnecessary drag.
Explore those opportunities.
To the wider audience.
Speacialist versus generalist - surgeon versus GP.
You got to step it up a gear.
It occupies a different space in the users mind.
There are comparable opportuities with.
The overriding factor for him is.
We are very excited about...
I really want to tee up the presentation with the following key points...
They have struggled to execute on their strategy...
You cannot really speak from a position of power.
It more habitual than anything.
It is very much a case of.
It more habitual than anything.
Different form but the same function.
Same form but a different function.
We can certainly address those wider issues.
Its about damage limitation at this stage in the game.
That is a false and unnecessary dilemma. It is possible to do both.
There are comparable opportunities using this approach.
I'm not overly convinced.
It would not pass the quality control test.
There are a number of opposing forces at play here.
Will adopt this going forward.
We have certainly planted some seeds but what will it take to make them blossom.
It has transistioned from low volume high cost, to high volume low cost.
It is a one stop shop for.
In advance of such ...
If we sweep accross the user base.
Its on ice for now.
We need to accelerate the uptake of.
We can certainly address that issue.
pretty aggressive I'd say.
It will be more easily consumed.
We need to pick fights we believe we can win.
The intranet is inwardly facing. The extranet is outwardly facing.
We have certainly planted some seeds but what will it take to make them blossom.
their perceived ability to.
their ability to execute effectively.
You are trying to sell him a car when all he needs is a wheel.
You are comparing a wheel to car,.., a bolt-on component to a fully fledged paltform solution.
I'm not going to take that upon myself to ...
Well, it is and it isn't.
It acts as a stepping stone .
It acts as a bridge .
The two are not mutually exclusive.
It is our bread and butter.
It is about improving operational efficencies.
It is about improving customer intimacy.
I'm sure it will trigger off other events.
This has an effect further downstream, away from the source, close to the customer .
This needs to be captured further upstream, close to the source .
He is taking his eye off the ball.
He throws out statements like confetti.
He throws out numbers like confetti.
It is starting to drift.
Yeah we are all in the same boat, but trouble is, not everyone is rowing.
Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning.
Tomorrow is two days late for yesterday's work.
If you think it's expensive to hire a professional to do the job, wait until you hire an amateur. .
In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king..
automation applied to an efficient operation will magnify the efficiency.Automation applied to an inefficient operation will magnify the inefficiency. .
re-engineering onsultants look at the glass and say YOU HAVE TWICE AS MUCH GLASS AS YOU NEED.
There are two types of people in the world - Those who like to spend time to save money and those who like to spend money to save time..
In a free market economy what is valued is scarcity. The relative supply and demand. The more specialised your skills , the more you increase your demand..
Sucess is the ability to move from failure to failure without loss in enthusiasm. Winston Church Hill.
Network Externalaties - like a fax machine. The first person was an idiot. The more people in the world that have it, the more valuable and useful it is..
Customers need a single Compelling Reason to Buy that outweights the real or perceived disadvantages of adopting..
No one is as smart as everyone.
The cost incurred by not being right first time is tremendous.
In theory, there's no difference between theory and practice.In practice, there is. .
Even if the grass is greener on the other side: they, like you, still have to cut it. .
Divided into 2 groups. One group will walk the track labelled 'Its ok, why change?' the other group will run the track labelled 'Its ONLY ok, lets make it better'.
Search makes more intelligence, more easily usable, by more employees..this increases productivity and promotes reuse and collaboration.
Search reflects a better way of working that users are already adopting en masse on the web...
there was a time when searching for content the internet was only done through browsing directories..if that approach was to remain we would not have developed to where we are today.
Search takes a user-centric view. How will this information be consumed. DB and CMS take a data-centric view. How best do I store this data..
Generation X are prosumers, meaning they produce as well as consume information.
Tagging makes the famous needle in the haystack more findabble.
A number of knowledge workers make decisions in a fog. Search helps disperse this fog..
Has been dissolved.
It requires multidimensional thinking.
They perhaps need to reconsider their decision.
They perhaps need to reevaluate the alternatives.
They have given blind support without.
Well following the same logic then.
There was an anti-x sentiment.
At which point it starts to creek.
It would be useful to go around the room and get everyones name and what they are interested in, want to hear & see.
According to projections.
There is a hole at there end, but unfortunately we are in the same boat so if we dont help patch it we go down together.
How does that influence the decision.
That tips the scale in our favour.
What is the threshold or breakpoint.
What is the economic value of your profit improvement solution to the problem?.
There may have been a crossing of wires.
Do we have a go forward plan?.
Price is inversely proportional to the potential volume of sales.
Price decreases as the number of alternatives increases.
So, by way of background.
We need to SWITCH GEARS.
We need to be on top of that.
I think such a stretch would create BRAND DISSONANCE.
We can Harness the power of search to...
Get to play with the entire Piano rather than simply a few keys.
The marginal cost is the cost of one additional unit, when that is less than the average costs we exhibit economies of scale.
We want price segmentation so we can extract as much as we can from price insensitive customers.
Need to set discount hurdles so it will be jumped if the consumer is price sensitive and avoided if not.
The question we need to ask ourselves is, does the cost exceed the benefit?.
All sprinters are the same speed over 5 metres, the test doesn't show true differentiation.
We need to link those we should we those we want to create effective incentive devices - e.g. watching a movie at the gym.
If we turn that on its head for a minute and ask...
We need to create the hooks and bait for them to bite.
This is waht we need to keep things alive.
All the engineers give theories of what the problem might be and you realise its unplugged.
Don't necessarily need to fix what is broken we are simply interested in finding a solution.
Going to put a lid on further development.
Don't try to diminish my achievements.
Its the picture they have painted for us.
Its the interpretation of the problem and nit the problem per se.
Probability of not being caught times the potential gain minus the cost of being caught.
Understand the requirements and prerequisites, map the problem elements to technology features, translate the features into value for the customer.
Just for my understanding, what additional benefits would that bring?.
We need to engage in parallel with both.
Free alternatives to Office offer similar features, but tax your productivity every time someone new joins the team and has to learn your stupid FreeCheapOffice..
the real expense is training and productivity — not the up-front cost of software, which can be trivial in comparison..
Let's put it this way, Being an outstanding aeronautical engineer doesn't make an outstanding pilot.
no one has ever been fired for buying Microsoft.
Maybe I dont have all the pieces of the puzzle.
We need consumable and actionable information.
We need some real world examples.
Don't read just to kill time, read to learn, to develop.
Simplicity is the ultimate in sophisticatiion.
Its not that we don't have the intelligence, its just that we can't locate it.
They really have set the gold standards.
We have to take action, not just talk about it.
I do not have visibility in to that.
This way it leaves some head room for manouvre.
It could be the killer app we require.
I'm trying to understand their endgame.
It is certainly an Autonomy beater.
So, in terms of next steps.
The onus is on them to...
We want to pop the bonnet and look at the guts of it.
I just want to stress that.
Perhaps that was understated in previous discussions.
certain components of your messaging need to be improved.
Sorry for being pedantic but I want to stress that.
At the very least it ignites dialgoue.
We need to win the hearts of the early adopters, they'll bring it across the chasm to the mainstream.
The first link in the chain of events is.
He is outside the sphere of influence.
And what is the wider issue?.
When it grows into the product it can be.
The valuable data is hidden under mounds of excel sheets.
I dont feel it is fair to have us pick up the pieces of their mess.
Google and Amazon have really drove the consumerisation of IT.
It suffices no longer to make technology functional - think the first PCs that ran only command screen DOS. They need to be at the very least usable - think Windows GUI - or lovable - think Apple MAC.
We are spending our valuable time climbing over obstacles.
We want to reduce the distance to knowledge.
Progressive disclosure takes users by the hand when they do not know where to go.
Open source is based on the fact the smartest engineers and techies in the world want their peers to know they are smart.
Within reasonable parameters.
They are not opposed to it but some of the concerns gravitate around .
Forces it down the shortest pipe.
If we can't be better lets handicap/remove all alternatives.
By removing all paths forward you corner them into a position of retaliation.
Success is moving from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm.
Trying to understand the mechanics behind it.
We are intereested in opening up a dialogue around.
There are a number of elements to consider.
They felt disenfranchised, deprovived of their rights .
It doesn't make sense we are drinking from the same pipe.
I don't want to misrepresent their intentions .
I think that is a great first step to carry us forward.
It works out less favourable for me.
One of the items I want to draw your attention to.
I'm trying to piece together a holistic picture of the .
We need to raise our heads...
What the problem is? Where we are now? Where we would like to be...
How will we tackle this issue?.
If you think it's expensive to hire a professional to do the job, wait until you hire an amateur..
Trying to understand the finer points of this opportunity...
automation applied to an efficient operation will magnify the efficiency. The second is that automation applied to an inefficient operation will magnify the inefficiency. .
re-engineering consultants look at the glass and say YOU HAVE TWICE AS MUCH GLASS AS YOU NEED.
2 groups - 'Its ok, why change?'' the other group will run the track labelled 'Its ONLY ok, lets make it better'.
2 groups - Those who like to spend time to save money and those who like to spend money to save time..
In a free market economy what is valued is scarcity. The relative supply and demand. The more specialised your skills are and the harder your drive, the more you increase your demand..
When radio stations started playing music the record companies started suing radio stations. When VCR companies enabled people to record the movie industry tried to sue. Fax sue email. Telegraph sue fax. - acted as catalysts.
Its very much the case of the adage, If you only have a hammer in the toolkit, every problem looks like a nail.
Customers need a single Compelling Reason to Buy that outweights the real or perceived disadvantages of adopting..
No one is as smart as everyone - top down vs now bottom up ideas - bubble up.
It became a war of attrition - wearing down to weaken or destroy.
In theory, there's no difference between theory and practice.In practice, there is..
Don't burn your crossed bridges. .
Blind leading the blind.
There is a massive transference of cost.
Even if the grass is greener on the other side: they, like you, still have to cut it.
You could be mistaken for interpretting facts to justify your own pre-conceived conclusions.
It had no bearing on the outcome.
We are now experiencing a strong head-wind in the form of ...
those people - those individuals.
I'm essentially operating behind a screen.
Correct, thaye are fundamentally the same at their core.
Let me turn the tables on you for a minute.
I believe he is chasingthat down his end.
Its really based on anecdotal evidence.
What is the upsell path?.
It's modelled after.
I'll give you two examples...
We need to identify those likely candidates and seperate them from those not so likely candidates.
It will be productized beyond a platform to a more out of the box solution.
Hi, do you have a few minutes ...
We are spending our time dodging landmines and climbing obstacles.
We have the ability to say, 'Hey, ..' .
One way to think about it is as
We haven't figured out how to land that one yet.
it goes against the grain.
How are we framing the discussion.
They are not really of Industrial strength.
we are all in the same boat, but there are 2 decks.
we need to identify the lowest common denominator.
can i add something there...
This is acting as an impediment to progress.
You can not underestimate their ability to misconstrue things.
Yeah and you can use a fork to eat soup, but its not the best way to do it..its not our competency.
There was a breach of trust.
It is difficult, you have to keep so many plates spinning.
Its a baptism by fire.
I dont want to go down that route.
It was a very even handed evaluation.
I must warn you, Its non-trivial .
There is a personal motive at play here.
The US army is not about defending the American people, its about pursuing the agenda of policy makers.
Every one is rowing in the same direction.
Feel free to chime in here if you have any contributions.
It's more a case of EVOLUTION than REVOLUTION.
It is not a question of IF, it is a question of WHEN.
Yeah, in the meantime load your canons and be ready to fire.
So,I can offer you a couple of options there.
That being said......With that in mind.....
We need to understand what the impact would be.
There are currently a number of road blocks that inhibit progress.
It is not simply footfall it is conversions that are required.
I dont know how that washes with you?.
We need to help them across the finish line.
The GSA is treated as a beach-head, whose deployment could serve as a wedge to introduce other Google entreprise products.
That could be the foothold, the tiny Normandy beach head, we can leverage expand into other areas.
You dont put a billboard in an empty field, you put it on a busy high way right?.
It takes just one person to take a stand to cause a standing ovation.
We need to understand the assumptions that have been made?.
network effect. You invite your friends. They in turn invite their friends, who invite their friends,....
The level of configuration is proportional to the value that can be extracted.Think stock trading fluctuations..
its not an either or question.
buying cheap is a false economy.
wrong - you have been misinformed .
my take away from this is.
how do you translate that knowledge into action steps.
onwards and upwards .
everything told should be truth, everything of the truth should not be told.
it is levelling the playing field.
he was a prolific goal scorer.
we need to know the rules of the road before you can drive, but when you do you can choose your own style.
i dont want to be flogging a dead horse but once more...
as the product matures .
its very rarae if not unheard of.
so apologies up front.
generates a classification on the fly.
it is massively flawed.
the entire ecosystem.
that is indictative of the current situation.
we need to verify the eligability of...
dont shoot the messenger.
we are not immune to the economy.
it naturally graduates to ...
it comes down to economics ...
right off the blocks.
we need to eliminate drag.
we have fallen off and need to get back on the wagon.
i cannot guarantee immunity .
form a technical perspective.
thanks for the lip-service, but demonstrate with action.
lets not ignore the elephant in the room.
he operates in a technical capacity.
i think that might have been a too much of a long stretch.
we have not yet engaged at that level.
we have engaged them on several levels.
its will be a cost-benefit analysis.
that needs to be addressed.
in terms of a quid pro quo.
can you shed more light on x, and bring more clarity to ...
if it cannot meet our requirements with respect to x, y, z it is not going to be a candidate for us.
where are we in the lifecycle of this development.
hopping to have that nailed down.
what is the scope of that effort.
there comes a transition point, a tipping point .
by removing all paths forward you push them into a position of retaliation .
within the parameters of reason.
within reasonable parameters.
not to my knowledge.
exacerbated an already bad problem.
systems are getting more and more complex, so we need to overcompensate and expend a lot of energy on simplification.
beyond our control.
its like U-turning an oil tanker.
there have been some crossed lines.
I didnt think through all the implications of it.
they are slightly higher up the value chain.
its a case of the tail wagging the dog.
Business will be fundamentally different in 5 years - think for a minute about how you used to book your holidays, buy your music, find an address or select insurance.
blown off its hinges.
we are facing into a head-wind.
we are benefitting from a strong tail-wind coming from the .
it acts as a stimulus to.
i have exhausted my list of suggestions.
it is the bedrock, the foundation, the corner stone.
it opens many doors, but also closes others.
its socio-economics and not colour that dictates ...
that serves as a reminder.
how do we fire proof it.
in the autumn time frame.
what do they need to provision in terms of budget.
i would encourage that very strongly.
So, let me put this to you in another way then...
the down side is.
it has a greater lifetime value.
i was hoping to get some clarification on.
a proper frankensteins bride - sticky tape, elastic bands & glue.
I wouldnt feel comfortable including that .
how does that sound?.
that being said.
is it within reach.
which way the wind is blowing.
orchastrate the user experience.
if you dont have the experience now, wouldnt this present an ideal opportunity to learn?.
depends on their ambition level effectively.
right out of the gate.
going back to your question.
Star bursting -- who?what?when?where?why?.
they are less price sensitive.
there comes a tipping point.
we are stuck in the mud.
as you may well appreciate, we do have finite resources, so we need to determine where to focus efforts.
Its like if you sell ice-cream, you have to give a cone/cup to hold the ice-cream..
There is a transference of cost.
Its the law of diminishing returns - output generated by each additional unit will eventually fall.
Its the law of diminishing utility - satisfaction or usage generated by each additional utility will eventually fall.
Hot glass looks exactly the same as cold glass, its not until you touch it you find out.
Its about Network Externalaties. like the fax machine, the first person to buy one was an idiot .
The cost incurred by not being right first time is tremendous.
Its like if you sell ice-cream, you have to give a cone/cup to hold the ice-cream..
how does this align to your needs.
functioning in a support capacity.
that was dependent upon.
components of your messaging.
that was rather overstated.
that was rather understated.
from a next step perspective.
what I want to stress is.
Unless we can prove order of magnitude performance or savings, there is no compelling reason to change.
What I want to stress is.
they are outliers, extreme deviations from the mean .
there are polarized views on this.
we need to win their mindshare.
they align perfectly to the key business objectives .
divide the workload.
the core elements.
what are you looking to achieve + how do you determine if you have got it?.
that plays into.
without fear of.
decimated, eliminated large amounts.
reaps the rewards of my toil, the fruits of my labour.
there needs to co-operation from both sides, bi-lateral support.
it is very lobsided, unilateral.
he is a web 2.0 aficionado, enthusiast or zealot.
it is a strong indicator, but it doesn't necessarily gurantee.
it is compuinding an already inflammed problem, pushing a wedge further.
i can recall the entire list, i'm not rain man.
the extra benefit should be calculated against the extra cost.
if you dont believe we are worth that, we are both wasting our time.
there is a significant knowledge gap.
fold like a house of cards.
didnt get off GO.
im slightly hesitant to mention...
whats their end game?.
it will give use some brathing space and head room for growth.
for the purposes of this particular project i do not believe.
he appears quite hostile and resistant, a luddite if you will.
there is no cause for concern in my opinion.
he is a background player, but does have significant influence.
it slipped off the radar .
their capacity to deliver is somewhat questionable.
there are a few areas of overlap.
select the appropriate attribute.
like oil & water, noble systems in their own right, but don't mix well.
something drew me to this.
the only reason I'm grilling you is...
the initial decision is made based on emotion and subsequentlly back-filled with the rationale .
we can back-fill.
He spoke a lot but it was just hollow buzz words.
are you speaking or just concatenating buzz words.
he jumped first, but failed to look where he was going to land.
and thats a fair assumption.
it serves to only demerit his position.
segregate into various segments.
within the framework of.
they are hot to trot.
to your point John, there are ...
it was the cherry on top.
either way its a result.
sunk costs - Cost that has been incurred and cannot be recovered.
it underperforms/overperforms on a key dimension .
bridge the gap.
it is so minimal, it is likely to go unnoticed by the majority.
we should activate that idea.
would not easily reverse it and incur additional expenses.
i need to reactivate those latent skills.
retire perfectly good equipment before it is fully depreciated and had reached its natural end of life.
I would rather let the quality dictate the decision than the price.
good enough competition at much lower price points.
the hard work is in the establishment of the framework, then execution is trivial.
it was a direct aim at the weaknesses in the business model armour.
earlier than anticipated.
better than anticipated.
it is strictly utilitarian.
the amount of effort required is disproportainate to the potential gains.
what is the limiting factor.
its poised for failure.
the cards were stacked against him.
we should find a happy medium.
the proverbial legend.
we clearly demarcated, what was their responsibility and what was ours.
various islands of data.
that leads nicely into the next slide.
How do you address this?.
that goes back to the __ I was talking about.
its about levelling the playing field so all can compete equally.
So, what your telling me is you /can't / will not /don't want to assist me.
i can add some tidbits there.
like a child that needs to be rewarded for good behaviour.
need to step-through their process.
Perceptions cling to products like lint.
comparitively, its a drop in the ocean.
the fact that they have done that suggests that .
its merely an anomaly.
The NEXT GENERATION features really centre around.
its a bit of a mine-field alright.
So just to give you some context...
Google continues long march in the enterprise.
what are your thoughts on that?.
they need to appear impartial, objective, un-biased.
need to conceal your inadequacies.
that brings an uplift.
this is very empowering for the end user.
Looking to leverage that collective intelligence.
The fundamental MECHANISMs that drive.
just because something was illegal at one point in time, does not mean that this needs to persist..integrated schools, women voting, were all illegal at one stage..because the world has moved forward, evolved, changed these laws serve only to hold us back.
what is the upside/downside.
my universe does not consist of...
We need to accelerate the...
There are a set of disruptive forces at play.
Could we get FAST get on the O14 train and release with the proper quality?.
We are currently in the process of landing that piece.
the common denominator that links each of these is.
need to get them biting on the bait/hooks.
its done - its checked off.
all the Ts and Cs are checked off.
we need to get all stkeholders onboard.
could you potentialy use your influence...
it doesn't necessarily have a practical application.
they rise on a tide of advantages.
there is a certain degree of sceptimism.
it could be detrimental to the brand.
there are a few things here 1,.. 2, ... 3, .... so 1,2,3 .
there are very low-barriers to entry.
doing so, greatly diminishes the margin of error.
there is a hard cut-off date.
i'm confident in my abilities to suceed however .
we are bullet-proof.
the current incarnation.
why open up old wounds.
its jamming a square peg into a round hole.
That is the golden rule/ Golden Standard.
i want to be on that train.
taking that bit out of the of the equation .
we need to attack it on all fronts.
wait - if you could hold fire.
if that doesnt work - failing that.
these are unworkable conditions.
its an unworkable solution.
i don't personally share those concerns and I'll tell you why.
what is the upside (benefit).
problems at their end.
the perceived risk is neutralised.
expand the market with disruptive innovation - new mkt, low-end capture.
not better but different.
data exists only about the past, never about the future.
creating islands of data.
we can peel back a layer.
its a risk yes, but a calculated risk.
how do we determine.
youll be spinning your wheels and going no where.
they rewrote the playbook on ...
huge leaps forward in society.
it is more about the journey than the destination .
WE can draw parallels.
it was less a case of choosing A over B, but rather avoiding B at all costs.
the unyielding support.
WHAT ARE YOUR current drivers and challenges.
what is the fallout of this.
it was energizing.
the reason I ask the question.
he posses a quality that appears to unify.
the way I see this unfolding.
so its full steam ahead.
the spotlight has been on.
a page has been turned.
this surpasses any previous achievements.
there will be ups and downs, thats is part of the cycle.
he is the whistleblower.
it could have veered ofcourse.
our messaging was positioned around.
Increased level of disillusionment.
harder than I cared to admit.
increasing disconnect.
that was feeding the complexity machine.
it felt like a shaky house of cards.
a huge transformative force.
a chinese menu of options.
trying to keep head above water.
those were the comments I wanted to make.
i didn't mean to step on your line.
the wheels are coming off the bus.
the search THING - the search PIECE.
trying to flex some muscle.
this should be considered as final.
just as a side-comment.
trying to keep head above water.
its purely calculated.
We can go ahead an skipa head to...
rather than telling them what it can do, why dont we show them.
he is not the father of it, but rather the inheritor.
the man who knows why will always always rule over then man who knows how.
rather than competitng with it, its best to aim to co-exist with it.
i could give you a fish today but you would go hungry tomorrow, now if I teach you to fish you can eat for life.
in the abscence of that.
it boxes the opponents, takes oxygen out of the room.
do not pass go.
what I would suggest is.
they are flexing muscle.
its a 2 step process .
there is a window of opportunity.
we need to orchastrate that.
i would entertain the notion of .
it is becoming increasingly.
we are in a unique position.
there will be an uplift in terms of .
he is the one driving this.
I do not have working knowledge of, but know at a high level.
he played his cards well.
it didn't expect so.
we've got a head start.
it acts as an unblinking eye, constantly monitoring.
cognitive dissonance.
trying to overcompensate.
was that the expected outcome.
step it up a notch.
it achieved its purpose.
it harvests the content from multiple sites.
i felt short changed.
In the framework of WHEN, WHERE and WHAT.
drop them into different buckets.
you will come out favourably.
i don't believe they have the stomach for it.
got to keep them on the ropes, let them off the ropes.
we have limited time so I will give you the blitzkrieg version.
the disatisfaction has been compounded over several.
he got the wrong end of the stick.
it acts as the gatekeeper.
it ticks all boxes.
this is the meat and this is the potatoes.
it is seen as a flagship account.
you need to reach out to him on...
it may be that i am missing something basic here.
I refuse to accept taht.
i can build on that.
we can develop other aspects.
it was earmarked for the purpose of.
what is the common denominator.
it is one of the core pillars.
it was significantly de-prioritised.
looking at the impact downstream.
its an upstream effort against the tide.
it detracts from.
it does not necessarily detracts from.
its a sinking ship.
it is malpractice essentially.
back to your/my question.
how do we get these guys on the hook.
there is a division of labour.
that begs the question.
if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it must be a duck.
they are paying for the hole not the drill to make the hole.
it never really got off the ground.
far too many points of error.
that is my understanding.
what will resonate with them is.
want to speak to the man behind the curtain.
we are a station behind and are trying to get back on the train.
flavour variance.
this is an acceleration point for .
we have a leap frog opportunity.
just let me replay that.. .
its easier out of the gate.
its performed conditionally.
it acts as a primer.
need to prime them.
what is the mechanism.
it is subject to human error.
exploring the possibility of.
above and beyond.
i feel coerced to.
they need to add skin to the game.
we need to get the conversation to C-level.
its not a point-solution.
otherwise its a hammer without a nail.
tailor it to your specific needs.
I dont see any need to raise any yellow/red flag.
its not an arms race.
are you still expaning effort on.
it has a higher yield.
lets park that off for a second.
elevate to a new level, the ...
it is imminent .
we are where we are.
suddenly the lights go on.
i was the one who got burnt.
they are acting like burn victims.
take the gloves off.
look under the hood.
make them the centre of your universe.
slide the crux of the problem accross.
it transcends the bounds of my knowledge.
parametric search.
step it up a notch.
so what is going to be needed to convince him.
for most of these processes its a one-time, once-off investment with unlimited benefit.
don't quote me on that.
ambient awarness/intelligence.
a parallel commercial discussion needs to take place.
I can certainly try.
I hope you are not trying to obscure.
it has a domino effect.
It's a 'hammer for a nail' scenario .
we can use it as a cookie cutter for the next one.
i'm on the fence.
follow the most plausible lead first.
eliminate the most plausible errors first.
its gathering pace.
need to tighten up the terms.
that fits into that context.
work within the boundaries of that framework.
we can make educated guesses and assumptions, but thats all they are.
the end-result is.
have a reach which far outstrips their grasp.
any measured view should.
it completely dwarfs.
its not an open and shut case.
we don't have, to my knowledge.
What is the sequence of events from here on...
pass the buck.
first over the finish line.
i could shift the conversation to.
They have a very large slice of the market.
i could shift the conversation to.
its about increasing mindshare.
2 bites at the cherry.
2 cards to play.
ace in the pocket.
its a no-brainer.
looking at the totality of .
it takes over , where others fall down.
we are competing with non-consumption.
we don't want to come unstuck.
give it a confidence score.
Its not beyond the bounds of reality.
I'd be hesitant to suggest.
I haven't got full visibility .
They are sizing up for that.
ultimately they intend.
they see it as a wider investment.
that would be extremely useful.
that was the final nail in the coffin.
trying to sand-bag-it.
don't offload your defficencies to me.
there is a transference of cost.
its not in their interestes, right..
you have run a marathon, don't stumble at finest hurdle.
i can swiftly get you that information, is it necessary that I personally provide it now.
need to get a better grip.
very fixated upon.
difficult to piece together.
We engage in customer lead inoovation driven by lighthouse sights.
just because we have the need today.
We have come to road block on the critical path.
don't have the dept & knowledge.
fact based decisioning.
What are the key proof points - eval criteria.
first piece of the puzzle.
be interesting to know.
how de we determine.
all min the same pot.
we can't get our hands around it.
USP - unique Selling Point.
need to drip-feed it to them.
its just not going to cut it.
it needs to be time-boxed.
i'll do my level best.
pull the plug.
make an executive decision.
we need to have a multi-dimensional approach.
I am looking to short circuit the extensive cycle .
i have a number of actions.
trying to empty the ocean with a spoon.
that\'s the high level 3000ft view.
so if we zoom-in a little.
if we crank up the microscope.
when we come to that checkpoint.
there is a negative associateion.
we are competing for eyeballs.
its an autonomy beater.
you can ofcourse spend less money getting it wrong.
we don\'t want to attempt boil the ocean - take first things first.
disect the elephant into manageable bits.
there is a slight mis-alignment.
its out-side my sphere of responsibility.
we need to validate these capabilities.
we need to whet their appetite.
what do we have in our kit-bag.
there is the wider issue of.
we need to have a good story around.
that really is the icing on the cake.
the first link in the chain of events is.
we need the coalition of the willing.
princippally it is utilised.
its really the litmus test.
need to be held accountabile.
need to find a middle ground.
putting out fires.
putting out fires before they grow.
we need to reconnect on that.
avoid like the plague.
go down that path.
intellectually impoverished.
eaten bread is soon forgotten.
we are looking to optomise .
it does have its fair share of critics.
it was scuppered in the end.
give it a confidence score.
its the icing on the cake.
we need to have a good story around.
as the day progresses.
some of the key take-away points.
what is the use case for this.
it has both tangible and intangible benefits.
how do we stack up against.
its a diversion on the main issue.
i\'ll take a rain-check.
his understanding was.
with this in mind, mindful of this...
we are viewing through a DataBase lens .
we are using a screwdriver to hammer a nail.
do you have visibility on ...
before - in advance of.
jack of all trades, master of none.
look at what we have in the kit bag.
moving down this road.
the key objective.
we all started to scratch our heads.
its a stretch goal.
we are better positioned to weather the storm.
its the strategic goal.
i am fighting your cause.
rather than spending time solving the problem, solve the solution.
Cold War mentality.
we have got to nip it in the bud.
they exhibit thought leadership.
i\'m not sure of their exact play.
it does not violate the existing integrity.
we only scratch the surface.
its a stretch goal.
it just realised my faux pas.
cash in those chips.
that is a healthy attitude to have.
its not our sweet-spot.
compliment & improve mentality versus a challenge and change mentality.
information withholder.
that was a key talking point.
looking to bridge that gap.
looking to plug the leak.
intellectually impoverished.
its cost neutral.
we want to illustrate.
it just won't resonnate.
do you have any insights.
situational confidence.
it is an area of opportunity for us.
what is the net gain.
right now it is a stretch goal.
they are not inexpensive.
there was uncertainty.
salience: degree of importance based on context .
i'm living vicariously through your exploits.
we need to have a clear route to procurement.
we need to time-box these projects .
it needs to be future proofed.
Where are the scale points and then the points of failure.
Tinkering with perception is often easier then fixing reality.
Predatory pricing - pricing at a loss to force out competition.
Drip Pricing - Ryanair model of having additional charges that greatly increases the advertised price.
Price discrimination - different prices based on the customer group.
Principle of restricted choice and regret. If we have too much choice, we will always fear that we have not made the best choice..
Less Choice is better than more. The more choice they have, the harder they will find it to make a decision and they often fail to make any decision at all.
getting a shot in the arm with an upgrade .
its not a point solution with a single purpose.
there is some latitude to manoevre.
I can confirm the availability/possibility of a solution, and that solution at a high level but a subject matter expert would require a deeper dive .
on your data and infrastructure to identify the best solution.
its not the most appropriate delivery mechanism .
this feature is endemic to FAST.
even if reletively easy their is a time cost associated.
we dont have a charge back mechanism.
where are the cost centres.
economies of scale vs. lower efficiency of designing and constructing a small number of custom pieces.
need to identify the different dependencies.
We are subject to several dependencies right..
Do you think they would be interested in pursuing such an opportunity?.
if in your world there are no aeroplanes then the fastest way to get China is by boat!.
interesting to explore the opportunities.
it looks nothing more than awkward ramblings.
its more of a bell curve.
we are in the process of turning the page.
what are the success factors.
a few question marks on that.
This one has got legs.
mindful of your constraints.
any significant .
they encountered a number of.
there is a business case there.
Depends on the Incentive systems.
a cost centre.
dont want to dilute our credibility.
i never commented on that.
exponentially more expensive.
we havent been given any indication.
light-years ahead.
my end game is to.
into the sausage machine.
gives us a headstart.
varying levels of engagement.
lets connect on that later.
take a double-barrelled approach.
set the scene.
do you think it would be worthwhile.
mapping the value.
they gain more mindshare.
it climbs at a staggering rate.
inorder to maintain momentum.
humans have greater loss aversion than gain affinity - Italy reverse penalty points - £50 loss is worse than £50 win for a bet of £50.
The interface fundamentally determines the behaviour & likability .
several can parallel process versus one person performing sequentially.
To be able to eat the elephant, we need to slice it into managable chunks.
this incurs less resistance.
thusfar, it has proved a formiddable deterrant.
there wasn't any penalty_cost to.
Bave lens.
so, my question to you is...
the primary currency in today's organisations is information.
its more of a zig-zag approach than straight line.
its easy to say looking in the rear-view mirror ofcourse.
i'm not sure of their exact play.
it does not violate the existing integrity.
we only scratch the surface.
its a stretch goal.
it just realised my faux pas.
cash in those chips.
that is a healthy attitude to have.
it wet the appetite.
its not our sweet-spot.
how do we effectively engage.
it also brings operational efficencies.
the real uplift for us is.
how do we build those bridges.
its a deeper dig.
want to avoid escalating support costs.
he is trying to subvert (overthrow) the process.
its a solution, but an up-hill solution.
its insufficently secure.
it is inversely proportionate to.
it has a unit value.
challenging, yes, but quite rewarding. date.
in the not so distant future.
flick the switch.
what happens downstream.
no way, shape or form.
grossly overstaated.
grossly misused.
within the predefined parameters.
don't want to be shackled by...
if it starts to grow legs.
it acts as the gatekeeper.
the pertinent elements.
don't want to deviate from.
several touch points.
find an avenue.
when we start to formulate.
makes transition easier.
our level best.
it does not warrant.
there are several considerations.
need to enter into dialogue.
the composition.
find a mechanism.
the odds were against us.
before - in advance of.
giant - behemoth.
detail oriented.
if we can some how unravel .
accelrate adoption.
blend together.
we had a corridor conversation.
it clouded my judgement.
don't get hung up on this.
I am in full agreement with you on that.
is this useful for you/does this make sense/can you see the application.
information assets.
across the broad canopy of tools.
cast your minds back to.
haven't been asked to consider in the past.
there is a quantum leap in what is required.
suck it in, crank the handles, spit it out the end.
the Content Life Cycle.
i mentioned earlier x.
over and above the requirements layed out.
that could be potentially misleading.
the challenge is not on the FAST side of the fence ...
Demo to stakeholders.
Can flesh it out later.
easier in a Native environment.
more difficult in an alien environment.
there are x specific nuances that require consideration.
currently under resource constraint .
currently under time constraint .
remediation - correcting a fault or deficiency.
thats definitely a tick in the box.
it requires very specific questions around...
each group - each cluster.
it funnelled down.
sorry, i am juggling right now...
FAST isn't in the business of...
This supports the argument that.
if we were to guide you down a path.
we may re-visit that at a later stage.
These are bolt-on tools.
its a potential landmine and i will tell you why.
serve up more relevcant.
yeah, thats right.
fuzzy/unclear - amorphous.
they have bucked in the past.
cant rest on their laurels.
i was firefighting.
how do we preserve this going forward.
ready - all dials a lit up.
fit/coincide - if we could somehow dovetail .
we need a playbook fpr this.
there is a certain element of that.
there mixmatch - conglomerate.
try to de-risk.
decrease churn.
the sentiment I gather.
more and more - there has been a rising tide .
it has become increasingly difficult.
Rather than deciding what they should eat, give them a menu... .
dispell an fears.
dependant on x- its x bound.
ask - interrogate.
simply following procedure.
precluded from - prevented from.
rather than identifying te problem look to identify the solution.
slow - its being drip fed to them.
we deliver in all areas.
we need to put processes in place.
disproportionate amount of my time.
need to lay some solid foundations.
make sure the cogs are oiled.
tip the balance in favour.
anecdotal evidence.
for a bit of trivia.
that was a resounding no.
thats far too difficult for me.
when should i expect them.
my current expectations.
we need to first understand.
not optomized for.
5 times - by a factor of 5.
that is not to say that...
absolutely - by all accounts.
complex - comprised of many moving parts.
different ball game - there are a different set of parameters to be considered.
by volume - box shifting.
Glance under the hood.
serve up.
just on that point.
authorised - sanctioned.
in stark contrast to.
string and masking tape.
gain inroads into .
have made a sharp turn.
i don't want to get into a discussion about.
sharpen your pencil.
we need a clean canvas.
this adds a level of complexity.
not yet breached.
that pushes us way out.
draw a line in the sand.
dropped a petrol bomb.
put a stake in the ground.
we have a hard stop at.
trying to recover his own train wreck.
the game changes.
competing for eyeballs.
do you SEE what I mean.
does that make sense.
we make that check at the front door.
can you share with us the.
relationship is gone a little stale.
they need adult supervision.
discontinue - kick-into-touch.
If you did an apples-to-apples comparison its many times more complex.
lets do a wash-up.
what are the concrete objectives.
The lines are blurring.
It has an expanded focus.
All - consistent across all examples.
it is a blurring of requirements.
confirmation bias - giving extra weighting to evidence that confirmed what you already believed.
starting with your believes and looking for evidence to support them.
interpretting facts to justify your own conclusions.
carries more weight as they have huge reputations to uphold.
maintain - uphold.
we arrive at the same in-escapable conclusion irrespective of path.
good ingredients do not necessarily make good sauce.
when does this take effect.
I would not rule out that possibility going-forward.
there are a wide array of.
there are great commonalities but also some key differentiation points.
it was fairly fragmented.
less actively pursuing such.
if we take that one step further.
one level down from this.
they are a top-tier customer.
get a feel for where their pain-points are.
I know at a high-level what we do but don't have direct experience hands on.
stopped - disengaged.
he said - he suggested that.
take the tack that.
grease the wheels.
i'm not expected to absorb that cost.
keep the ball in motion.
if it becomes an issue.
it is a top-tier soultion.
there is a bottleneck.
we are not really geared up to.
beyond what was required.
partly because of x.
it is massively overstated.
cool your jets there.
what keeps you up at night?.
what is closest to your heart.
its a case of the best defence is a stron offense.
walking the data minefield.
bring it to light.
I can do that if you want, I can also wash your car and walk your dog if you want...
she dug her owen grave.
developing it further.
dodging the subject.
thats very revealing.
don't look - avert your eyes.
bit by bit - piecemeal.
Technology unlocks potential.
Technology erases barriers – time, distance, access, wealth.
Management – production of acceptable results within know constraints and conditions .
As Darwin said it is the strongest and fittest that survive, that is, those that are most adaptable to change.
only mildly offensive.
Of the top 100 GDPs, 52 of them are companies – they can really make a difference.
Entrepreneurship – involves risk – its like jumping off the side of a cliff and assembling the plane on the way down. Some times you forget some of the parts and go splat..need to make sure you have all parts considered..if successful you will soar.
Attaining financing is not a success only elongates the runway.
There is a MARKET READINESS to when ideas hit big..Think Youtube..need to catch the wave and ride it to shore.
If you cannot compete with no competitors then compete with slow compeititors..e.g. banks.
entrepreneurship - COMICS - opportunity identification, innovation, creativity, collaboration, understanding market forces, developing strategy .
have to get the feelers out..test the waters.
The call to action is...
Get the right information,To the right people,At the right time,To make the right decisions.
What is your sequence of thoughts around...
using a sledgehammer to crack a nut.
take a technical stance.
with respect to longevity.
have it sanitized first.
the lay of the land.
its a way of cross-linking/cross-promoting.
it manifests itself in different ways .
trying to nail him down.
lay of the land.
my take on this is...
need to wake up to the realization.
well orchastrated.
its not a slam dunk but it does.
increase - raise the volume.
i don't want to just up-root.
I have already drained my crystal ball .
within the confines of ...
not restricted to ...
time to buckle up ...
buck the trend.
price point.
guiding principles.
we need to get them to bite .
its under the same lid.
unfortunately, I don't have the luxury of...
difficult from a standing start.
infinitely better than what we had previously.
I'm going to abandon that idea on two grounds.
change is imminenet.
it is an evil, but a necessary one.
info that users can action.
not very forthcoming.
retiring of that functionality.
a seperate stream.
create a roadmap.
the pinnacle of success.
make an informed decision.
they fall under different categories.
historically it has been the case.
what are your thoughts on this.
Do you feel this would be of benefit/is applicable to your?.
So what needs to happen.
a classic example.
punching above his weight.
leende+historia+prescence+annars konst..
what they lack in competence they make up in zeal/enthusiasm.
its overwhelmingly underwhelming.
its breadth versus depth.
possibilities are immense.
it just occured to me.
going to miss the boat.
fallback position.
divvy up the tasks.
been quite verbal.
deep dive/ heavy lifting.
built of parts - reconstituted.
cross fertilization.
something like that - something of that nature.
contrary to what you believe.
a core component.
propogate the uptake.
the key driver is.
they have pushed back.
debunk - expose as false.
neutralise their advantages.
more studious than clever.
reduce the disparity.
these are peripheral to the main task.
vision & understanding statement.
success criteria.
also - further to that.
now just need to connect the dots.
what are the entry-level requirements.
need to increase the volume.
a counter argument is.
on the other side of the fence.
that re-enforces.
the opposite - the antithesis.
zero incremental cost.
gain parity with.
spiral effect.
surface up.
it will get worse before it gets better.
without infringing on their...
its a loose term.
its a loss leader.
by virtue of the fact.
bigger fish to fry.
explore all paths.
complete opposite - gone 180 degrees.
very close - it is almost upon us.
implement a staged roll out.
work with the assumption that...
step on the gas pedal.
take your foot off brake.
greater number of conversions.
no-lockins, users can easily defect.
its not triple by-pass surgery.
looking to pin down the criteria.
Its not going to happen overnight.
I will cut to the chase.
a tenuous(thin) plot.
wheels are turning but going nowhere.
invariably, always.
It never took off the ground.
We need to reduce the number of variables over which we have no control.
it wouldn\'t discourage me.
easier to digest.
one of the outputs was.
physically delete - expunge.
within that perimeter.
exact opposite - antithesis.
missed opportunity.
fourtune favors the prepared mind.
reduced - marginalised.
different manifestations of the same thing.
key agent of change.
i haven\'t ruled out that possibility.
best in class.
buy in.
gone up a notch.
its a frustrating experience.
duplication of efforts.
transformative force.
without compromising integrating or exposing to risk.
change the balance of power.
shepered us.
main ingredient in the recipe for success.
trying to iron-out the kinks.
very well received.
cannot commit to that.
in equal measure.
operational wheels fell off.
and i\'ll tell you why.
say - are you suggesting.
dull - boring.
how do we engage.
its an all you can eat.
they have been conditioned .
crack that nut.
conduicive to.
how do we better demonstrate.
if you think about ...
feed it through/across.
its unclear to me.
its not an enviable situation.
now, i have taken the line that.
expose this information.
gives me a chance to regroup.
don\'t undermine.
don\'t compromise.
supports - underpins.
seems bullish: engaed, rearing to go.
change - morph.
you are misinformed.
the papal spelling.
fairly search literate.
i won\'t bore you with the details.
escalate the priority.
due to your inefficencies/incompetence.
the limiting factor.
give the inertia.
a cog in a complex system.
acts as a counter-weight.
ineffable complexity: inexpressible.
a rule based approach.
he didn\'t indicate otherwise.
some points of differentiation.
I would strongly encourage that.
what are the critical success factors.
Microsoft has 3 key lock-in strengths - Invested learning, Interoperability, BundlingS - Google have no lock-ins .
Like sharepoint is to Windows, Office and SQL server - it is the auxillaries consumption that drives the core's proliferation.
massively inconsistence.
For the purposes of.
For the purposes of.
If we could take a snap shot right now.
If we could momentarily hit pause.
If we could quickly hit rewind.
key focus areas.
developing rapidly.
keep me in the loop.
couldn\'t see the woods for all the trees.
finite resources.
we need to nail-down: we must agree on.
traction points.
thats their take on it.
focus your attention.
In order to manage expectations, it needs to be made clear that.
scope the project.
need a compelling event.
prioritise our resources.
get - harvest.
game plan.
well-defined requirements.
ill-defined requirements.
steps - what is sequence of events.
line item: single detail record.
paid for - funded.
nothing to suggest that ...
able to talk about - conversant.
we are sensitive to pricing.
hard to understand - digest.
happen - occur.
state - bang the drum.
push the boundaries.
clean up - housekeeping.
can be problematic.
cause - fuel.
excuse me - can i finish please.
priveledged position.
exclude - discount.
again & again - recurring.
it proves - is a testament.
stay - remain.
keep - maintain.
cranky - stropy.
might - may.
went through it- iterated over it.
make bi-noun compouns e.g.control button vs. button.
make bi-noun compouns e.g.fine tune vs. tune.
make bi-noun compouns e.g.whatitdoes whatitis vs. whatitis.
ideas - principles.
yes - indeed.
very - extremely.
also - equally.
uncomfortable - unsettling.
a little - a tad.
keep - maintain.
give - contribute.
In the same stream of thoughts .
my belief system.
similar - commonality.
i\'m not sure - doesn\'t inspire confidence.
say again - reiterate.
stays - persists.
Three things, Firstly ...
effortful - taxing.
stupid - a fruitless excercise.
to put it - to position it.
rude - hostile.
in its entirety.
fallen off a cliff in x terms.
in the grand scheme of things.
completely - uniformly.
nice to have versus need to have.
give some - introduce some.
calling - playing phone tag.
conservative estimate.
Would you like to dig your teeth deeper into.
limited opportunities.
limited ambition.
lesser of 2 evils.
excessive - exuberant.
problems - complexities.
extra - additional overheads.
So, what does this mean?.
turned out - transpired.
different - many.
many - various.
operative term - main term.
main point/part - crux.
contentious: likely to cause controversy.
different - unique.
test it - kick the tyres.
finish - close the loop.
nearly - in our crosshairs.
for - for the purpose of.
watercooler chat.
plan - roadmap.
If you will...
don\'t believe - don\'t subscribe to.
don\'t think - don\'t subscribe to.
the idea - the notion.
told - communicated to.
alluded-- referenced without detail.
affect - impact.
issue - contention point.
a bit - moderately.
horrible - lurid.
spoken - engaged.
a shade more - a bit more.
now - so.
easy - trivial.
repeat - playback.
repeat - regurrgetate.
together - in unison.
the thing - the construct.
goals - business objectives.
easy - quick-win.
look at - cast an eye over.
preventive - pre-emtive.
isolated - silo.
interested - engaged.
call - ping.
Think - Believe.
a lot - substantionally.
together - in tandem.
estimate - ballpark.
he knows - he is aware.
Think - speculate .
basically - well broadly speaking.
waffle - listening to their spiel.
large -significant/sizeable.
tell me what to do - push your agenda on me.
make legal - legitimise.
put - project.
to be honest - admitedly.
reason - rationale.
gather data - carry out reconnaissance .
annoyed - step on toes.
detail - level of granularity.
right - correctly.
no way - by no stretch of the imagination.
I don\'t like - I dislike.
true - agreed.
angry - infuriated .
clever/sharp mind - shrewd.
find - Ascertain/Identify.
shows - displays.
It is complete paralyses until....
We need to run a parallel activity that...
I have already fought that battle...
limited - tunnelled.
dissapointing - disheartning.
basic - crude.
unconvinced - Disillusionment.
shakey - House of Cards.
crazy - outrageous.
Wait - Sit on it .
talking to - liasing with.
first time difficult - carve out the gully.
don\'t enjoy - I don\'t very much enjoy...
annoying me - grating me.
was ready - was angled.
was ready - was poised.
remit- to waive a debt/to send money.
narrow down - wittle down.
low-balling-- an offer that is significantly below.
hit the ground running-- Seize an opportunity & begin at full speed.
for this - for the purpose of.
used too often - trite.
Seems - Appears.
wander/stray - Digress.
shrewdness -acumen .
ingenuine - disingenuous.
apparently true but false - spurious.
do - perform/accomplish.
blunt - candid.
over - as a result of .
so - so, what does this mean then.
look at - revisit.
terrible - deplorable.
is better - superceeds.
expedient--interestingly relavent.
independent - self governed.
divided - segmented.
pass on - Offlad.
Create - Craft.
We have come through the process.
What are next steps in the sequence of events .
Its comforting to know.
common - prevalent.
constant - unabated.
doing - Performing.
regardless - irrespective.
help -facilitate.
spread all over - pervasive.
helpful - Advantageous.
its possible - its conceivable.
its possible - its not unconceivable.
easier - more productive/efficent.
its about - the scope is.
different - disparate.
stay away from;shun - eschew .
things - tasks;undertakings.
keep the same - preserve the status quo.
unorganised - box of frogs.
pissed off - exasperated.
discerning-- displaying keen insight and good judgment.
tell - convey.
told - conveyed.
said - indicated .
rushed - overly expedited .
strict - regimented .
industry knowledge .
got - Retrieved/received .
large - sizeable.
lots - an abundance.
send - forward.
old - back-dated.
too- overly.
last- persist.
i noticed - it occured to me .
totally- entirely.
closest - immediate.
started - invoked.
statement - assertion.
careful/sensible - prudent.
say/said - stipulate(d).
reject/fight-off - rebuff.
write - Draft.
finish - Turn-Around.
prelimenary book - pencil in.
non-serious - Benign/innocuous.
giving to - Delivering to.
safe/harmless - innocuous.
allowed - permitted.
very - massively.
very - deeply.
clear/obvious - Apparent.
Reckon - Anticipate.
pretend - Feign.
under the radar.
enough - sufficent.
thought - Anticipated.
damage - Negatively Impact.
to - as a means of .
means - indicates.
get - Attain/Ascertain.
more - Increasingly.
different - Dissimilar/Disparate.
saw - Observed.
reduced - Diminished.
get - Obtain.
now - At present.
help - Benefit.
warning - Caveat.
like - of a _ nature.
a bit - marginally.
about - Concerning.
What is _ - What does _ constitute.
meet - Convene.
so - Consequently.
decide - Determine.
prove - Demonstrate.
stop(ped) - Discontinue(d).
give - Disseminate.
choose/pick - Elect.
use - Employ/Utilise.
count - Enumerate.
sum - Aggregate.
remove - Omit.
put - Structure.
about - Regarding.
set up - Establish.
clear from - Evident from.
mean - Unfair.
speed up - Expedite .
at the end - on expiration.
ease - expiration.
didn\'t - failed to.
finish - Finalised.
Finished - Complete(d).
angry - irate.
give up - Relinquish/Forfeit.
works as - Functions as.
need - Require.
changed/affected - Impacted.
first - initial.
started - initiated.
if - in the event.
size - Magnitude.
keep - Maintain.
dogmatic beliefs - tenets.
watch - Monitor.
together - inline with.
difficulty - complexity.
in between - interim.
unique - idyosyncratic.
optomistic - sanguin.
let me know - notify .
main - predominant.
priority - preeecedence.
in spite of - notwithstanding.
easy - straight forward.
many - numerous.
allow - empower.
had to - Obligated.
act together; conspire - colluding.
see - Witness/Observe.
best - optimum.
works - operates.
Don\'t allow - Don\'t permit.
saying - Implying; Driving at.
gave - provided.
shows - Reflects.
stay(ed) - Remain(ed).
payment - remuneration.
enough - Sufficent.
being trivial - splitting hairs.
stop - Terminate.
makes it - Renders it.
delude - deceive.
more - Additional.
big - Significant.
bad - Inefficent.
easily managed - tractable.
final; end - terminal.
persistent - tenacious.
careful consideration(feelings) - tact.
what are your thoughts on...
good - Effective.
happy - Content.
rich - Affluent.
the start - the offset.
not very - Not Overly.
lie - truth adjust.
before - Precurssor.
is more - exceeds.
first time - unprecedented.
speak out against - denounce .
he does - is practitioner of .
must be - must exist.
get - acquire.
hide - conceal.
depressed - despondent.
investigation and evaluation -due dilligence.
shorten - Abridge.
Harsh - Across as Abrassive.
Sum;Add - Aggregate.
first port of call.
Force together - Shoehorn.
impulsive and unpredictable- Capricious.
Reverse Engineer.
dull - Underwhelming .
hurry - Accelerate .
stress - Accentuate.
estimate - ballpark.
listen & acts -Receptive.
let down -Dropped the ball.
ready - Up to speed.
usually - has a tendency.
speak up - Raise a Red Flag.
uncertain - Touch and Go .
We were just looking to Touch Base.
easy option - Low Hanging Fruit.
can\'t find - off the radar.
audit trail.
Bubble up vs. trickle down.
halting event - Showstopper.
understand each other - On the same page.
difficult - Grey Area.
improve - raise the bar.
bring up/down standard - Raise/Lower the Bar.
idea - Gameplan .
Drill Down .
level of detail - Granularity .
Critical Path - steps that need completing.
all agreeing - all on-board.
Areil view.
in future - going forward.
Broad Strokes - large effect.
suit - Accommodate.
Economical/avoiding waste - Frugal.
not important - a non-issue.
unique - Unparalleled.
Under the _ banner.
resilience-- ability to cope.
the same -Congruen(t)(cy)(ce).
He is the main proponent, the main advocate.
straightforwardness - Candour.
set the standard - set the precedent.
Basics - Hygeine factors.
first time - unprecedented.
different variations - Many Flavours.
Core functionality- vanilla functionality.
shows that - Indicative.
accumulate- Accrue.
start - Activate .
top/best - premium.
it shows the disconnect between.
what would be the standard response/approach.
personal brand.
Always - Invariably.
process Alignment.
good - effective .
Accelerated change.
Governance .
random - Quite Variable.
perpetuate - preserve; further.
Germinate - grow from a seed.
adoption .
domain - arena.
a place - a forum .
started - it served as a seed...
Capitulate - give up resistance.
long lasting - Endurant.
a way - a procedure.
ask - Interrogate.
get - Acquire.
Superseeds - overrides.
Administer - give to.
I take your points on board ...
outstanding - salient.
Traverse - travel across.
utility - performs repetitive tasks.
terse - concise.
pro-bono - for free (for the good).
pro-rata - in proportion.
goes over - exceed/Transcend.
supporter - Advocate .
confirm - Affirm .
remove - Alleviate.
put - Allocate.
put - Allot .
set;ready - Poised.
easy way - Path of least resistance ...
maintain - sustain (able)(ed).
Intterupt - Interject.
change - Alter.
Vindicat(ed)(ion) - defended against criticism.
fix - Amend.
A massively loaded question.
look at - Analyze.
very - hugely.
expect;reckon - Anticipate.
pacify - Appease.
estimate value of -Appraise.
say - Articulate.
identify;get - Ascertain.
aim - Aspire.
unclear - Potentially Misleading.
lucky - fortunate.
evaluate - Assess.
v. important - Imperative.
absorb - Assimilate.
Full-bodied, intense, strong - robust.
view - vista.
promise - Assure.
get - Attain.
problem -Defect.
Continous Improvement.
Reward & Recognition System.
Audit-- independent assesment.
fix -Augment.
stop/prevent - Avert.
allowed - Authorised.
people - Agents.
annoy - Agitate.
certify - Attest.
prove - certify.
large room -Auditorium.
warm friendly - Ami(c)able.
warm friendly - affable .
Animosity - a feeling of ill will.
a possible show-stopper.
run away - Abscond.
mix - Amalgamate.
unclear - Ambiguous.
Anomoly-- deviation from uniformity.
cheeky - Audacious.
listen to -Adhere.
follow -comply.
followed - complied .
unchangeable - immutable.
representation - model.
perfect example - quintessential.
impervious--not allowing passage through.
infiltrate--enter with purpose.
increase - Amplify;Amplification.
Autocratic;Autocracy - unlimited power is held by a single individual.
Don't confuse Assertiveness with aggression.
speak with purpose - engage.
amazing -Astounding.
excessive flattery - Adulate(ion).
asslicker - obsequious.
asslicking - obsequity.
more than required-excessive.
add on - Appendage.
fight;disagreement -Altercation.
beside-Adjacent .
oppose purposely-Antagonise.
hide complexity-to Abstract.
guess - Approximation.
congratulate you on.. - applaud your ...
force me-project your agenda.
representatives - Ambassadors.
basic assumption - maxim.
dislike - Aversion.
absorb - Assimilate.
go/move forward - Advance.
strong dislike - Antipathy.
Benchmark-- comparison test.
improve - Bolster.
risk disliking - risk aversive.
improve - Boost.
bring together - Bridge.
make bigger - Broaden.
Bona fide-- in good faith.
friendly - Benevolent.
not dangerous;pleasant - Benign.
dangerous - malignant.
brief;quick - for the purposes of Brevity.
short - fleeting.
supporter - Proponent/Advocate.
Accelerator/Catalyst-- anything that enhances the speed.
make better - enhance.
develop - Blossom.
Bombarded-- continuously or persistently.
precision - rigour.
rigourous-- allowing no deviation.
large amount - Barrage.
give out to - Berate/Scold/Chastise.
lots - Bountiful.
repeated too often - Banal.
boastful - Bombastic.
show off - pompous.
open - Breach/Trangress.
growing - flourishing/burgeoning.
make stronger - buttress.
basically - Bottom-line is ...
customised - Bespoke.
obstacles - Barriers .
just about -Borderline.
cruel - Barbaric.
Buffalo Theory.
Bounce Ideas.
middle class - Bourgeois.
adjust - Calibrate.
stop - Impede.
my thinking -My Thought processes.
take advantage - Capitalise.
Retract that statement.
considered - deemed.
group - Categorise.
put in groups - Catalogue.
Chronicle--record in order by time .
pass on;distribute -Circulate/disseminate.
by pass - Circumvent.
make clear - Clarify.
used force to - used Coercion to .
by force - coercive.
work together - Collaborate.
gather - Collate/Compile.
praise - Commend.
lots of - Copious amounts.
put together; combine; merge - Compound/Consolidate.
thought up - Conceived.
imagine - Conceptualise.
Condense-- express in fewer words.
do - Conduct.
set up - Configure.
save - Conserve.
made up - Contrived;staged.
ask -Consult.
Consummate-- perfect,complete in every respect/having supreme skill.
together - As a Collective.
tell - Convey.
Convoluted - overly complex/rolled together.
illogical - Counter-intuitive.
give out - Critique.
develop;grow - Cultivate.
force - Compel.
attractive - compelling.
do lots quickly - Cram.
attract - Captivate.
we hit the mark.
Compassion-- humane understanding.
he said - quote-unquote.
bits - nuggets.
time constraints.
make money - monetise.
how much - to what extent.
able - Capable.
ability - Capacity.
idea - Concept.
Caustic remark - bitter remark.
tricks - Chicanery.
to back-up - to Corroborate.
competitive - Cut-throat.
finish - Culminate.
restrict - Curtail.
Cusp-- point formed by two intersecting lines.
restrict; keep down - Curb .
give out to - Chastise.
detailed - Comprehensive.
so - Conclusively.
meet - Convene .
change - Contort.
tell - Confide.
Contingent-- possible but not certain to occur.
spiral (out of control).
backup plan;plan b - Contingency plan.
make tighter - Constrict.
part - Component.
joined together - Conjugate.
union - Conjugation.
collection - Compilation.
blend - Coalesce.
denying - contesting.
happy - Content.
stand down - Capitulate.
usual - Conventional.
Critical Mass.
continuous - Cyclic.
put in context - Contextualise.
Channel-- direct the flow of.
come together - Converge.
supported - Championed.
Challenge you.
Confines - bounded scope.
category - bracket.
friend - Colleague.
make clear - Crystallise.
waiting patiently - Crocodile method.
skills - Competencies.
to make profitable - Commercialise(ation).
trust - Credibility.
direct - channel.
path - channel.
logical - coherent.
illogical - incoherent.
doubtful - Debatable.
transfer power - Delegate.
put - Deploy.
get - Derive.
selected - Designated.
decide - Determine.
make - Devise.
look closer - crank up the microscope.
behaviour - Demeanor.
id problem - Diagnose.
Rationalisation - reorganization of an industry order to achieve greater efficiency.
change - differentiate.
intentionally hidden - veiled.
hardworking - Diligent.
send - Dispatch.
prove false - Disprove.
distribute - Disseminate.
id difference - Distinguish.
make unique - Diversify.
move away from - Deviate.
payback - reciprocity.
keep from - Deprive.
recoed - Documented.
exaggerate - Dramatise.
harsh - Draconian.
reduce in value - Depreciate.
shown - Depicted.
changed - Distorted.
believable - plausible.
tricked - Deceived.
negative remark - Disparaging remark.
a belief - a Dogma.
Dogmatic:no proven believes.
belief system - Doctrine.
active - Dynamic.
two - Dual.
unclear - Disjointed.
how much - to what Degree.
tell - Disclose.
tell - Deliver.
reduce - Diminish.
easily managed - Docile.
conversation - Dialogue.
come together - Diverge.
reveal - Divulge.
unexpected - Discrepancy.
comes from - Derived.
waster - Degenerate.
removed from power - Deposed.
Not random; predictable - Deterministic.
Stochastic - processes that have random elements.
the defining factor - the key eterminant.
Deduce:guess based on clues.
reduction in quality - Dilution.
make digital - Digitalise.
vanish - Dissipate.
excessive drinking - Debauchery.
eons ago - Decades ago.
exageration - Dysphemism.
make clear - Demystify.
force away - Dispel.
improve - Enhance.
rushed - Expedited.
said - Expressed.
took - Extracted.
allowed - Empowered.
allowed - Enabled.
made us - Enforced.
strengthen - reinforce.
detailed - Extensive.
forever - Eternally.
make easier - Ease.
save money - Economise.
make clear - Enlighten.
tell - Educate.
explain - Can you Elaborate on that point.
raise - Elevate.
hard work - heavy lifting.
called forth from hidden - Elicited.
non yet active - latent.
remove - Eliminate.
made viewable - visualised.
took - Embraced.
highlight - Emphasise.
highlight - underscore.
a bit - some degree of.
support - Encourage.
interested - Engaged.
created - Engineered.
improve with _ - Enrich.
made important - punctuated.
Entice - incentivise.
changed - morphed.
have - Equipped .
This has become a hot topic.
Pass the hot potato.
set up - Establish.
This has cascaded down the ranks...
It very much ncapsulates the notion of ...
test - Evaluate.
do - Execute.
useless - futile Excercise.
put to use - Exert.
high charge - Extorsion.
increase - Extend.
picture - Envision .
mixed - Eclectic.
effectivness - Efficacy .
copy - Emulate.
mystery - Enigma.
exclusive - Esoteric.
v. expensive - Exorbitant.
clearly - Explicitly.
entreprenurial - Enterprising.
over the top - Exuberant.
support - Endorse.
basically - Essentially.
source - Epicenter.
based on experience - Empirical.
Embezzle:illegal transfer of money or property.
Epilogue:additional info afterwards.
coming into view - Emerging.
Entropy - randomness.
use - Engage.
attempt - Endeavour.
a time -an Era.
lie - Fabricat(ed)(ion).
opposition - Friction.
help - Facilitate.
include - Factor in.
factor: anything that contributes.
concentrate - Focus.
predict - Forecast.
to make - to Forge/fashion.
make official - Formalise.
invent - Formulate.
strengthen - Fortify.
develop - Foster.
a Function of - a result of A & B.
possible - Feasible.
aspects - Features.
changes - Fluctuates.
can\'t understand - can\'t Fathom.
Floundering efforts- stumble helplessly.
it went well - it Flowed well.
effect - the fallout is far reaching.
misunderstanding - that is a common Fallacy.
in small parts - Fragmented.
100% focused - Fixated.
true - Factual.
before knowing - in Foresight.
I imagine - I Forsee.
as an introduction - as Foreword.
useless - Futile.
Fixed cost/variable cost.
useless - fruitless.
good - fruitful.
need money - need Financing.
characteristic - Facet.
silly - Frivolous.
brotherhood - Fraternity.
earned - Garnered.
measured - Gauged.
create - Generate.
understand - Grasp.
talkative - Garrulous.
shrewdness - Guile.
go to - Gravitate.
how big - Gravity of it.
attractiveness - massive Gravitaional puul.
spin - Gyrate.
to layer - to Galvanise.
a group - a Guild.
opening game plan - Gambit.
plan - game plan .
not embarrassed - unabashed.
initiative - Go-ahead.
common sense - Gumption.
follow rules - Heuristic Approach.
rules of thumb - Heuristics.
on a whole - Holistic (ally).
stopped - Halted.
increased - heightened.
improve - hone.
guessed - hypothesized.
pitiful - Hapless.
without caution - Headfirst.
the same - Homogenous.
different - hetrogenous.
make the same - Homogenate.
underscore - Highlight.
randomly - Haphazardly.
often -routinelly/Habitually.
contentious - Heated debate.
chat - Discussion.
found - Identified.
started - Ignited.
show - Illustrate.
did - Implemented.
2nd birth - 2nd incarnation.
resourceful - Improvise.
say - Indicate.
For the end-user it is quite liberating.
They tried to indoctrinate us with...
Over time they need to instill a sense of .
I still believe it is worth exploring.
They have intensified efforts over the past.
He interceded in the family dispute.
It is open to interpretation.
If you don't mind me intervening.
If we now itemize the requirements we can get a better feel.
That gives us the impetus.
Not another one of your insipid monologues.
Quite an insular group.
How do we inoculate ourselves from any fallout.
It acts as an inhibitor.
I'm trying to infer or second guess if you will.
It was pretty much inexpressible.
If we had that type of executive support it would be incorrigible.
Is there something you are trying to imply.
Is there something you are trying to insinuate.
I would need to inquire internally.
He seemed rather irate.
remove - invalidate.
We have been inundated with questions around.
interpolate - estimate the value of.
The pieces need to interoperate.
protect - Insulate.
There are only a finite number of tails we can chase before we start a) spreading ourselves too thinly b) getting ourselves in a spin.
He instigated the unrest.
How many instances were derived?.
What are you innumerate?.
It was an illdefined project of indeterminate goals.
If we were to incorporate a search element how would this look.
We need to mask the inadequacies with dollops of .
a case of self-induced tiredness.
We are looking to intensify efforts in this area.
It is quite ___ intensive .
Less of the old innuendo.
He comes with incessant requests.
It is a solid union, indivisible.
She is impeding the progress of our project.
It acts as an impedement to the progress of.
He was somehow implicated in the event.
I felt that it was implicit in the response.
They posses very Inventive qualities.
I don't want to appear insensitive to their challenges.
They appear very Indecisive.
We have come to a key Inflection point.
It is quite Idealistic.
He is a rather Influential figure.
Not trying to be Insubordinate.
What has been the Impact of those actions.
It is rather illogical when youy consider.
At this present Juncture we need to decide.
We need to Justify the usage of resources.
We have now arrived at a Junction where.
I feel we should jettison items 1, 2 and 5 immediately.
Now if we juxtapose the two solutions for a better contrast.
A very interesting Juxtaposition.
We are incentivised by Kudos solely.
What are the KPIs for this projects success.
The Key drivers here are.
He gave a quite laconic/terse response.
There is a latent force at play.
Ever the loquacious chap.
It is becoming a lot more lucid.
Before we launch in head first, lets...
reduced - lessened.
tiny - Miniscule.
Broad Stroke Approach.
act on that vision.
variability reduction.
establishing priorities.
what differentiates.
along both dimensions.
compelling vision.
demand performance.
balancing short and longterm goals.
fact based decision making.
builds upon.
process mobilisation.
mobilised a team.
boring - mundane.
huge - Monumental.
We need to negotiate a more favourable position.
Commercial interests.
normalise - make normal/standard.
Net outcome.
Order of magnitude.
Outweigh the negatives.
exclude - Ostracise.
everywhere - Omnipresent.
everywhere - ubiquitous.
On the ground.
Square peg round hole.
proclaim .
stuff - Paraphernalia.
we have concluded.
Raw data.
Revenue stream.
take - seize.
raise the bar.
Client focused outfit.
So to speak.
Transcribe .
tremendous .
Touch base.
Underlined/ underscored.
How is your current workload looking...
At this point.
empty -vacuum.
without - devoid.
It is quite a volatile product.
Need to validate that statement.
Need Verify the source.
It is a variant of.
It violates the terms of agreement.
Very vibrant colours.
It was a vigorous excercise.
It is vital that we satisfy all requirements.
It will serve to re-vitalise a lethargic team .
His vindictive nature was caused by their previous actions.
It was a Vague description.
The velocity of progression has been quite high.
It can tend to Veer off on tangents if not properly managed.
That was a Vivid description.
What is the Value Proposition.
Variable costs.
By virtue of the fact.
he waivered the right to.
It was a little weathered by the time it arrived.
They yielded good results from the team.
What he lacks in experience he makes up for in zeal.
He was a litttle over zealous.
a real zest for life.
We need to wade through red-tape and process.
Look at you wallowing in self pity.
White label.
Zebra theory.
Already Inflammed.
You can’t apply a sledgehammer with precision .
For want of a better word.
Trade off.
final straw - The tipping point.
Can charge what want when provide unique value.
Balanced scorecard.
Exit strategy.
Organic growth.
Risk profile.
Leap frog.
Be a better Corporate citizen.
geneate more value.
Negotiation – the art of letting the other party have what you want.
Case in point.
confuse - It will only serve to Muddy the water.
Reinforce the belief that.
Meetings about meetings, calls about calls.
Circular argument.
Aggrevate an already inflammed issue.
One point to note is that.
re-traced my steps.
nature of the engagement.
fit into that model.
protection against lost - indemnity.
not able - don\'t have enough cards to play.
entirely - totally.
take part - participate.
always - constantly.
changed - shifted.
showing - exhibiting.
done well - well executed.
it was because of - it was owing to.
want - I relish the thought.
together - partners can coexist.
important - pressing pain points.
urgent - It is quite pressing.
high on their agenda.
draw your own conclusions.
don\'t want to miss the boat.
depending how you slice & dice it.
completely - radically.
be the interface.
Taking proactive steps.
thought about - toyed with the notion.
show(ed) - expose(d).
more - a richer experience.
Management, Time & Effort.
how much - to what extent.
fast - quick off the blocks.
getting late - the train has left the station.
Trying to catch the wave .
progressing - i am making headway.
searching - scouring.
BS - verbal diarrohea.
threatning/menacing - ominous.
problem - challenge.
tie together with.
problem - spanner in the works.
when finished - end of play.
do/follow - pursue.
inherently risk aversive.
negatives outweigh the positives.
offload responsibility to you.
is the same - has the same qualities.
less - inferior.
that\'s my 10 cents.
insignificant - negligible.
his comments Spur me on.
say/tell -Articulate.
There was a misalignment between...
how can we discourage.
usually - Typically.
area taken up - footprint.
ambulance chasing: pusuing someones misfourtune for own benefit.
lucky - fortunate.
unlucky - misfortunate.
it depends - its situational.
clear mind - lucid.
stupid - quite absurd.
it cascades through the departments - flows down like a waterfall.
as a case may be.
good - compelling.
like a kid in a candy store.
not good - just missed the mark.
kept on - continued to.
I can see them in my rear view mirror.
get close - looming.
ways - procedures.
i\'m worried - one of my concerns is.
begin - kickstart.
use - exploit.
a flurry of activity.
we have a system in place.
profitable - lucrative.
ok - agreed.
inflated expectations.
a more polished story.
2 thinks to consider here, point 1.
one thing I am concious of.
get your hands dirty.
we do the heavy lifting.
accusation - its not an inditement of.
lipstick on a pig.
no one listening - fallen on deaf ears.
right - accurate.
show - showcase.
don\'t make me - don\'t subject me .
going - evaporating.
such a __ type activity.
it is more work yes, but is the goal to have less work or more profit.
There was a time when companies developed their own accounting software...
we have a local loop between ...
we want to close the loop .
a great guy but sometimes believes he has more power than he does.
intro - pre-amble.
gap-analysis: difference between what is needed and what is available.
change - transformation.
ask - challenge.
we dont do the deep diving: working on complex tasks.
hard-work - heavy lifting.
\"Lets spend time on things you want to hear rather than what I want to talk about\".
thats not our war to fight.
big players - heavy hitter.
the amount - the volume.
atomise: break into manageable chunks.
i guess - i would assume so.
joke - gag.
well, that solves my problem but doesn\'t answer my question.
stumbling over my words.
Hot glass looks exactly the same as cold glass, its not until you touch it you find out .
When you plant a seed in the ground you don\'t dig it up to see how it is doing.
If you want to make an omlette you have to break some eggs.
a one-eyed man amongst a mass of blind.
You could be mistaken for interpretting facts to justify your own conclusions.
Transference of cost.
quickly - Frantically.
take - harvest.
reuse - repurpose.
start - kick-off.
we are starting to warm up.
The greater the hurt the more costly the rescue.
meeting - engagement.
intelligence is provided by ...
too much - a little overcooked.
it is difficult - there are a number of variables we do not have control over.
see the truth - discern.
discerning: perceptive of the truth.
too much - overwhelming.
really - in actuallity.
to all intents & purposes.
a lot - a flurry of activity.
in terms of scope.
complain - push back.
we have a blackbelt in ...
a search type activity.
monitor - take temperature of the beast.
adjustable - its a slideable scale.
the superset.
it is native to FAST.
greater tolerance.
look at it - dissect.
take from it - extrapolate.
easily - effectively.
rare - uncommon.
random - arbitrary.
bad - subnormal.
divest: remove; strip; reduce - he was divested of his rights.
it says - it suggests.
conventional wisdom.
be determined/difficult - play hard ball.
throw the baby out with the bath water: to get rid of the good parts as well as the bad parts.
not cooperating - throwing the toys out of the cot.
fuck up - drop the ball.
is imp. - it carries weight .
he knows his stuff right.
that is the foundation of.
therefore - to that end.
very - hyper.
size - magnitude.
the powers that be.
don\'t have to - exempt.
user-friendly, famil-friendly,...
spare time - down-time.
be more forward-thinking.
my understanding ...
less imp. - less pronounced.
do that - chase up on that...
What is the status of ..?.
Industry pain points.
key factors.
its gonna be a long night.
as a primer.
success indicators.
client-facing front of the house.
sectors - a number of different verticals.
that\'s the thing - that\'s the kicker.
need to procure - get.
have the resources - have the bandwidth.
FUD: Fear, Uncertainty & Doubt.
a moot point.
I disagree - I contest that.
corresponding position.
it doesn\'t hold water.
cherry picking.
look under every stone.
it just doesn\'t compute , right!.
doesn\'t matter - its immaterial.
well able - perfectly equipped.
the fabric of your IT landscape.
necessary provisions.
from my vantage point.
after that - subsequent to that.
radiating from that point.
coming in at the tail-end.
business drivers.
it validates the point that.
become more conversant.
big - macro.
different - hetergenous.
create a ground-swell .
specialist skills - create a competency.
as an enabeler.
accelerate their understanding.
its not as fully baked.
a real poiunt of differentiation.
on a number of fronts.
a number of data points - name, email, date,...
You can’t apply a sledgehammer with precision .
For want of a better word.
its a Trade off.
The tipping point.
Can charge what want when provide unique value.
Balanced scorecard.
is there an Exit strategy.
Organic growth.
high Risk profile.
Leap frog.
Be a better Corporate Cirtizen.
its a Best of Breed.
lets have a Brain Dump.
we need to be customer Centric.
Cutting Edge technology .
from start to finish - End to End.
First Mover.
in future - Going Forward.
keeping it High level.
Lead with our proposition.
on all fronts.
quick-win - Low Hanging Fruit.
Manage Expectations.
business Critical.
at loss - Out of Pocket.
do it - pull it off.
Push Back on those points.
strong & reliable - Robustness.
Seamless integration .
Take offline.
that\'s a separate issue.
Take ownership .
The Big Picture.
the user\'s universe.
throughput is quite low.
Turnkey solution.
profitable - lucrative.
Bottom line is we need this done.
it affects top & bottom-lines.
run with it - Hit the ground running.
Circle back to you on that point.
From First Principles.
lots to do - i have a full plate.
I don\'t have the bandwidth.
It\'s like drinking from a fire hydrant.
difficult - Harder than nailing Jelly to the wall.
push the envelope until it\'s outside the box.
difficult - It\'s like herding cats .
you gotta be lead dog.
what\'s the go-forward plan.
drill down to the granular level.
it\'s just basic blocking and tackling. .
How do you stay ahead.
make same for all - level the playing field.
no - negative. .
take those issues offline.
a strategic fit with their game plan.
I eat my own medicine.
you have control - Take it and run with it.
all instances - Across The Board.
low-end competition - Ankle Biter.
Information Asymmetry.
high-level core ideas - Back Of The Napkin ideas.
change your mind - Back Up The Truck.
Barriers To Entry.
completely different - apples & oranges.
further a field.
We are not out of the woods yet.
unconventional - Buck the Trend.
gives me a springboard.
bring into focus.
sanity check.
in one fell swoop: suddenly, all at once.
it shows - its indicative.
sellers - vendors.
that is in his remit - he is resp. for that.
easily - readily.
A day late and a dollar short - too little, too late..
A poor man\'s search solution: lucene.
A rising tide lifts all boats.
A steal: costs much less than it is really worth.
About as useful as a chocolate teapot.
About as usefula as a used johnny.
Above board: legal.
Accident waiting to happen.
Ace up your sleeve: secret advantage.
Achilles\' heel.
Acid test: proof test.
Across the board: applies to all.
Across the pond.
Add fuel to the fire.
Add insult to injury.
I\'m currently Against the clock.
Against the grain: contradicts what you believe in, but must.
Ahead of the pack.
All bark and no bite = All hat, no cattle.
All bets are off: agreements that have been made no longer apply.
All ears: interested.
All eyes are on me.
All thumbs: clumsy.
All mod cons: best and most desirable features..
All of the above: everything that has been said/written.
All over the shop: completely disorganised or confused, it is all over the shop..
All roads lead to Rome: many different ways to achieve the same.
ready - All set.
All square: even or level.
a level playing field: even, fair.
All that glitters is not gold: appearance may be deceptive.
All\'s well that ends well: if result is good, then all is.
All-singing, all-dancing: latest version with the most up-to-date features..
Always a bridesmaid, never a bride.
can i get an Amen: verify what has just been said.
Any port in a storm: in an emergency any solution will do.
Armchair critic: offers advice but never shows they could do any better..
Around the clock.
As a rule.
As cool as a cucumber.
Asleep at the wheel: not doing their job .
At arm\'s length: not too close.
At full tilt: happening as fast or as hard as possible..
At large.
At the end of your tether: at the limit of your patience or endurance..
he\'s gone AWOL.
its on the Back burner: low priority.
quickest off the blocks.
Back to back: one after the other .
Back to square one: start again.
Back to the drawing board.
Back to the coal mine: back to work.
Back to the wall: you are in a difficult situation with very little room for manoeuvre..
Backseat driver: giving wrong/unwelcomed advice.
Ball is in your court: it is up to you.
Ballpark figure: guesstimate.
Basket case: it is so bad that it cannot be helped..
Batten down the hatches: prepare for the worst.
so - Be that as it may.
starting to Bear fruit: bring results.
being funny - being facecious.
Beat about the bush: not stating clearly.
oh Beggars can be choosers then.
Bells and whistles: excessive functionality.
with Bells on: to arrive there happy and delighted to attend..
not goo - Below par.
immaterial - Beside the point.
Between a rock and a hard place: in a difficult position.
read Between the lines: interpret.
Big hitter: very good in their field.
Bigger fish to fry: lower priority.
a Bit player: a small role in something.
Bite off more than you can chew.
Bite the bullet: accept it.
Bite your lip: effort not to say anything .
Bitter pill to swallow: diff. to accept.
Black and white: it is very clear.
a vaccuum : empty space.
its a Black hole - things disappear.
Blind leading the blind.
Blood from a stone.
Blows hot and cold: changes mind.
Blow out of the water: destry, defeat easily.
Blowing smoke - exaggerating.
Blow your load - give in to pressure.
Bridge the gap.
Bright-eyed and bushy-tailed: enthusiatic.
Bring a knife to a gunfight - very badly prepared for something..
Broad strokes: only an outline is given, without fine details.
Brush under the carpet: attempt to hide it.
Burn the candle at both ends - excessive use of resources.
Burn your bridges.
Burning question.
By leaps and bounds: very quickly in big steps.
By the back door: secretly or not following the proper procedures.
By the book.
Cake\'s not worth the candle: the result is not worth the effort.
Call the dogs off: stop attacking.
Call the shots: in charge .
Calm before the storm.
Can of worms.
Can\'t see the forest for its trees: too focused on specific details.
more Carrot than stick.
Carry the can: take the blame.
Case by case.
Case in point: prime example.
Cash in your chips.
Cast several nets: law of averages.
Caught with your hand in the cookie jar.
don\'t Change piolts mid flight.
Chasing rainbows.
Cheap as chips.
Clean hands: not involved .
Clear as mud.
Need to ensure it is Close to hand.
Cold day in hell: who would believe it.
Trying to avoid and fallout or Collateral damage from such a radical move.
If you look at what historically has been the cash cow for....
they dont enjoy stepping outside their Comfort zone.
We need a really solid story around...
We need to ensure that we Cover all bases.
there isn’t a single mechanism that pushes information out uniformly to the world.
I agree there needs to be a long range plan, but there also needs to be a short range plan that feeds into that.
Its Crunch time.
I think we need to slow it down, and refine our messaging.
The remaining 90% fall into one camp or the other.
Irrespective of what they say, customers choose to hear what they want to hear.
Need to understand how we neutralise the negative and amplify the positive.
I'll cut to the chase.
Despite your best efforts, I think the knee jerk reaction from the field will be...
Cut your coat according to your cloth: within means.
Devil is in the details: overlooked causes later probs.
play Devil\'s advocate: adopt a position they don\'t believe in for arguments sake.
Diamond in the rough: great potential needing polish.
Dig your heels in: get stuck in.
Dodge the bullet: avoided.
Dog and pony show: pres. with style, but no real content.
Dog eat dog.
Dog\'s dinner: a real mess.
Don\'t give up the day job.
Don\'t hold your breath.
Don\'t mention the war: avoid awkward things.
Drag your feet: taking excessive time.
Dressed to the nines.
Drive home: reinforce.
Drop the ball.
Dry spell: unusually unsucessful.
Each to his own.
Economical with the truth.
Egg on your face: made to look foolish or embarrassed.
the Eleventh hour:last minute.
Even a blind chicken can find a corn.
Everything but the kitchen sink:include everything even if irrelavent.
Explore all avenues.
Face value.
Fell on our feet.
Those Famous last words.
sitting on the fence: not taking any sides.
Find your feet: gaining confidence and experience in something.
Fine tuning.
Fire away.
Firing on all cylinders: as well as expected.
First port of call.
you can still look at the menu if when you are on a diet.
Fish out of water.
Flogging a dead horse.
Fly the flag.
Foot in mouth: said something embarassing.
Foot in the door.
Freudian Slip.
From a different angle.
From scratch.
From the get-go: beginning.
Garbage in, garbage out.
Gather pace.
Gather steam.
Get along famously.
Get the ball rolling.
Get the green light.
Get the monkey off your back: pass on the problem.
Get to grips.
Get your ducks in a row: organise yourself and your life.
Get your feet wet: gain your first experience of something.
Get your hands dirty.
Get your head around something.
Get your wires crossed: misunderstand each other.
its Give and take: quid pro quo.
its give or take: its roughly .
Give someone a leg up: help them.
Give someone a run for their money.
Give someone enough rope and they\'ll hang themselves).
Gloves are off: gets more serious.
Go off on a tangent.
Go pear-shaped.
Go play in traffic.
Go the extra mile.
Go-to guy: everyone wants to go to him or her for info.
take onboard.
Golden rule: main rule.
Golden touch.
Gone fishing: not aware.
Grain of salt: not fully believable.
Grass root level: bottom of hierarchy.
Grey area.
Gung ho: support blindly without consequences.
Half-baked: not been thought through or planned very well.
Hanging in the balance of A and B.
Head for the hills: run away from trouble..
Headstrong: does not take other people\'s advice.
missed the mark.
Hit the nail on the head.: dead right.
Hit the roof.
Hold all the aces: have adv. your competition does not.
Home stretch: last part.
Horses for courses.
How long is a piece of string.
I may be slow, but I\'m not stupid.
I\'ll cross that bridge when I come to it.
Icing on the cake.
If you lie down with dogs, you will get up with fleas.
He wasn\'t a very honest person, a liar if you will. .
commit to a position.
In dribs and drabs.
In droves.
In light of.
In over your head:out of the depth .
In the pipeline.
In the same boat.
In the zone.
each in turn.
Ivory tower: detached from the world around them.
Jog my memory.
Jump through hoops.
Jury\'s out: no general agreement.
Just off the boat.
all fart and no shit .
Keep abreast: stay informed.
Keep at bay: safe distance.
Keep up with the Joneses.
Keep your chin up.
Keep your ear to the ground: listen out for.
Keep your eye on the ball: stay alert.
Kick away the ladder: remove support.
Knee-jerk reaction.
Know the ropes.
Last-ditch: desperate attempt .
lead someone up the garden path.
Lead with the chin: behave without fear of the consequences.
Leave no stone unturned.
Left hand doesn\'t know what the right hand is doing.
Left in the dark.
Lesser of two evils.
Light bulb moment.
Like a fish out of water.
Like pulling teeth: very difficult.
Long shot.
Long time no see.
Lower the bar.
tidying a burning house.
Making headway.
Meet your expectations.
Megaphone diplomacy.
its a Moot point.
More holes than Swiss cheese.
More than one string to their bow.
Mountain to climb.
Move the goalposts: change something to their advantage.
engage in Mud-slinging.
Muddy the waters.
Mutton dressed as lamb.
My plate is already full.
My hands are tied.
the final Nail in the coffin.
its a Nail-biter: very close close that it is impossible .
Neck and neck.
Neck of the woods.
Needs no introduction.
Needle in a haystack.
Neither fish nor fowl: doesn\'t fit in one single group.
Neither use nor ornament: no purpose not even to look at .
the groundwork has been done: foundtaion has been layed .
Never a rose without the prick.
New blood: new ideas or people.
new brush sweeps clean, but an old brush knows the corners.
New lease of life.
Ninth circle of hell: couldn\'t be worse.
Nip it in the bud: deal with before it gets serious..
Nitty gritty: most imp parts.
No can do.
No holds barred.
No love lost.
No question: certain.
No questions asked.
No skin off my nose: doesn\'t affect or bother you at all.
No smoke without fire.
No spring chicken.
No strings attached.
No time like the present.
No use to man or beast: utterly useless.
None so blind as those who will not see.
Not cricket: unfair.
Not enough room to swing a cat.
Not my cup of tea.
Not to be sneezed at: should be taken seriously.
its Not going to wash: wont be taken credibly.
Notch on your belt: sign of achievement.
Nothing ventured, nothing gained: can\'t win if not in.
Null and void: no longer acceptable.
Nuts and bolts: most essential components.
its a little Off colour: doesn\'t look right.
its veering off the beaten track: not the standard approach.
Off the chart:off the scale: far exceeds the normal standards.
Off hand: without any preparation.
Off the hook: free from blame.
Off the mark: inaccuarte.
Off the top of your head.
Oldest trick in the book.
hold out an Olive branch: offer peace.
On a roll: doing well.
On a silver platter.
On good terms: have a good relationship.
it\'s On hold: on ice.
On the blink.
On the case.
On the fly: without preperation.
On the ground: close to the action.
get off on the right foot: start well.
On the ropes: doing badly.
On the same page: thinking the same.
On the same wavelength.
On the shelf:paused.
On top of the world: things are going well.
On your toes: alert.
One hand washes the other.
One man\'s loss is another man\'s gain.
One man\'s meat is another man\'s poison.
One-man band.
It was a Once-off.
One-trick pony.
can of worms.
Out of pocket: lose something.
Out of the box.
get it Out of your hair: stop bothering you.
Out on a limb: exposed.
in Over your head: too complex for u.
my position on that is .
on that point.
Paddle your own canoe: independently.
Paint yourself into a corner.
above par/below par.
its a Penny ante: very unimportant.
Pep talk.
Perish the thought: really hope something wont happen.
Photo finish: difficult to determine the winner.
parts of the same puzzle.
Pipe dream:unrealistic.
Plain sailing: easy to do.
Plan B.
Play hardball - aggressive determination.
Play it by ear.
Play second fiddle - take a backseat role.
Polishing peanuts - wasting time for little gain.
Pull in the reins - take control, stop.
Pull no punches - hold nothing back.
Pull out all the stops: do everyting in your means.
Pull strings.
Pull your weight.
Push comes to shove.
lipstick on a pig.
Putting the carriage before the horse: wrong order.
Put your best foot forward: try your best.
Put your cards on the table: make your thoughts or ideas clear.
Put your foot down.
Put your foot in it.
its a Question of time.
Queue jumping.
don\'t Rack your brain: think very hard when trying to remember something. .
Rat race.
Raw deal.
We are reading from the same page - saying the same thing.
Rearrange the deckchairs on the Titanic.
Right up your alley - suits u perfectly.
Rip van Winkle - a little behind the times.
Rise from the ashes - recover from serious failure.
Robbing Peter to pay Paul - short-term problem, creating one problem from another.
Rock the boat - destabalise situation.
not Rocket science.
credited towards future .
Roll out the red carpet.
Rome wasn't built in a day.
Rose-tinted glasses: see things in a more positive light than they are.
Rough but ready: not yet refined.
Rough around the edges: not yet refined.
Rough end of the stick: treated unfairly .
Rub someone up the wrong way:irritate.
Rudderless ship:no clear direction.
Ruffle a few feathers: abrubt when improving something.
as a Rule of thumb.
playing a cat and mouse game.
he will Run a mile - aviod at all costs.
run before you can walk: first things first.
I'm Run off my feet.
Run out of gas: slows down.
Run the show: in control.
Running on empty: exhausted but still going.
playing Russian roulette: taking dangerous moves.
Rusty needle: it does the job but is damaged.
It is a safe bet.
Salt to the wound.
Save face: protect reputation.
Scraping the barrel: stretching resources.
Sea legs: get used to something new.
Second thoughts.
Sell down the river:betray trust.
Sell like hot cakes.
Separate the wheat from the chaff.
not Set in stone: can be changed.
Set the wheels in motion.
Set your sights on.
Seven sheets to the wind.
Seventh heaven.
Shape up or ship out: improve or leave .
Shed light.
Shifting sands: changing circumstances.
horse has come in: bet has come through.
Shoot yourself in the foot:self damage.
Shooting fish in a barrel:success is guaranteed.
Shop floor: where work is performed rather than just managed.
Short end of the stick.
Short-changed: cheated.
Shot in the dark: try something with little hope.
hot cold-hot cold: flip flopping.
Signed, sealed and delivered: completely done.
Silver bullet:magical solution.
Sink or swim:in the deep end.
Sit tight.
is it unrealistic to assume.
Sitting duck:easy target.
Its difficult to hit a moving target.
Six of one and half-a-dozen of the other:no difference.
Skate on thin ice: taking a big risk.
Slap on the wrist: minor punishment.
Sleep well- don\'t let the bedbugs bite.
Sleight of hand.
its a Slow boat to China: very slow .
Smoking gun: definitive proof.
Smooth sailing.
sour grapes.
Sow the seeds.
Spanner in the works.
Speaks volumes.
Spending like a sailor.
Split hairs.
Steal someone\'s thunder.
Step on it.
Step up to the plate:accept the challenge.
Stick your neck out: take a risk in something u believe.
Stick-in-the-mud: doesn\'t change.
Strike a chord:is familiar.
Strike while the iron is hot.
Stubborn as a mule.
Swear like a sailor.
Swim against the tide:difficult due to opposition.
doing Swimmingly:doing great.
Swings and roundabouts: many disadvantages as it has advantages..
Tables are turned.
Tackle an issue.
Take a leaf out of someone\'s book.
Take a raincheck: deline now for later.
Take your eye off the ball:become distracted.
The ball\'s in your court.
The be all and end all.
well, its not working for me.
The plot thickens: becomes more complicated.
no free lunch.
Throw pearls to the pigs: something dont deserve.
Throw someone a line: help someone in trouble.
Throw someone to the wolves: left to fend for self.
Throw the baby out with the bath water: get rid of good with bad.
Tickle your fancy.
run a Tight ship: control strictly.
Tighten the purse strings.
Tipping point: small changes little effect until hit critical mass, suddenly change all.
Tit for tat:respond by being rude back.
To all intents and purposes: means in all the most important ways.
long story short.
To little avail.
Tongue in cheek:it isn\'t serious or meant to be taken seriously..
Touch and go: uncertain - good OR bad.
Touch base: contact.
Train of thought.
Tread water: making no progress, just staying afloat.
Tried and tested.
Turn water into wine: perform a miracle.
thats my Two cents.
Two sides of the same coin: not much difference.
U-turn: change position radically.
Uncharted waters: situation that is unfamiliar.
Under fire: attacked.
get Under your skin: really annoy.
Unwavering loyalty.
Up the creek without a paddle: difficult situation with no resources.
Up for grabs.
Up in the air: no decision has been made.
Up the ante: increase the value of something.
its a wake-up call.
Walk a tightrope: taking careful steps.
Wash your hands of something: disassociate from.
Well-oiled machine: works well.
the Wheels have come-off: went pear-shaped.
it is a van speeding down a hill towards the sea: not going well, running out of time.
When it rains, it pours.
Where there\'s smoke, there\'s fire.
Who will ring the bell? who will assume responsibility.
Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free.
Wide of the mark: inaccurate.
Win by a nose.
start off on the Wrong foot.
Yes-man:always agrees.
You can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar.
You can lead a horse to water, but you can\'t make it drink.
paused - its on ice.
low priority - something of an after thought.
require a level of comfort.
don\'t do something in haste.
they have unique inight that we need to tap into.
inorder to de-risk.
Inflection Point: point when direction changes.
We need to increase the Longevity - duration.
We have managed to get them up and running.
bite off more than one can chew.
Don't jump the gun:start before appropriate.
it is an effective sales enablement tool.
accelerate the process.
lob it over the fence:pass off without sharing info.
If I put on my sales hat for a moment I'd say...
play devil\'s advocate.
They have been reported to exhibit a hit & run strategy.
yo-yo between different.
another way of slicing the same cake.
rather than speaking about, x why dont we.
rather than speaking about what i like to talk about, lets talk about what u want to hear.
apply dollar values to.
different parts of the puzzle.
a handful of.
that can be dangerous & I\'ll tell you why.
we can then bucket it accordingly.
thats the idea - thats the intent.
multiple balls in the air.
so what I have in my bag is.
play inside the boundaries.
future-proof yourself.
pressure/pain points.
to give you some background.
the overarching theme.
its hard-wired.
that would cause a lot of discomfort.
throw the cat in with the pigeons.
a look of disdain: disrespect.
trying to second guess.
pensive: thoughtful.
we do not compromise any abilities .
i\'m on auto pilot.
wait - lets sit on it.
immensely popular.
infinitely better.
now, well thats a different story.
visualisation of content.
not to throw cold water on this.
toss it over the fence.
weave into the existing fabric.
Duplication of efforts.
approve: sanction.
in bed with the enemy.
not at the races.
skim the surface.
immutable plan: cannot be changed.
its a necessary evil.
don\'t have the appetite for it.
its on my radar.
scoping excercise.
wire frames.
gradual education process.
technical verbiage.
take the covers off.
simply join the dots.
stress check.
sanity check.
rather 2% of something than 10% of nothing.
big bang approach.
spoken to that end.
he has black-belt in.
That helps plug the shortfall.