Tuesday 20 October 2009

How to succesfully start and end a meeting?

- State your agenda and their agenda
What do YOU want to cover off in this meeting?
What do you want OTHERS to cover off in this meeting?
Firstly, I'd like to just quickly run through the agenda...from our developer team I would like to get...

Agenda must ALWAYS BE SENT 1D BEFOREHAND + include:
- Attendees + their objective/contribution to the meeting
- Company background
- Where they were (History) Where they are now (Challenge) Where they want to be (Vision)

-State your desired outcome
- What do you want to come out of this meeting?

- What do you want from each party?
- How will this meeting be succesful?
By the end of the meeting I'd like to have..



-State the next steps for everyone
-Create a plan of action - define the actions and next steps + deadlines
In terms of next steps I'd like if....by Friday.

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