Wednesday 5 May 2010

How do I promote features in a sale?

Convert the features to "Usage Scenarios". That is, describe how these features are used and the benefit this results in.

Diagnosis: Pharma companies need research data stored in multiple locations and formats, both internally and externally, and it currently takes too much time to loacte this information.

Feature: Single search across multiple repositories.

Event: When initiating new drug research..
Question: would it take less time if...
Player: your researchers (reference diagnosis)
Action: could initiate a single search of multiple sources of information from the Internet or Intranet, and view previous research results for particular compounds (How) using predefined search criteria from their desktops?

Feature: Our solution can provide a single search across all repositories (reference feature)

Benefits: This reduces the amount of time spent by researchers on gathering information..researchers make better decisions based on more insight...

Success: We have helped XYZ to save XXX and increase productivity by YYY%in just 2 years


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