Thursday 24 February 2011

How do I beat my competitors by complimenting them?

Evolution - Describe the industry, market, customer base over a period of time and show what changes have happened. In this model, you can talk about the world of the ’90s, the ’00s and now. By describing the the changes, you can define your competitors’ advantages as addressing a world that no longer exists.

Revolution - Technology, regulation, off-shore competitors and other circumstances revolutionize businesses. Placing your competitors as great pre-revolution solutions is a good way to pigeonhole their value and emphasize yours.

Devolution - The world has gotten smaller — language like “Competition locally required this…, competition nationally requires that…, international competition demands something altogether.” The language of these conversation follows this direction: “Understanding your market as it was until (6 months or a year ago, whatever fits), I completely understand the choices you have made. As a matter of fact, I think under those circumstances, you probably made the best choice at that time. Under the current conditions, I can see why you are exploring new options. Our specialty is helping companies like yours who are in this exact set of circumstances.”

Basically, you’re killing them with kindness and compliments.

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