Tuesday 1 March 2011

Why do marketing campaigns fail and customers leave?

Here are the reasons people gave for wanting off companies’ email blasts.
Email was too frequent: 54%
The emails became repetitive or boring: 49% (an additional 25% said the emails were never relevant in the first place)
I get too much email and need to pare it down: 47%

When people do find a email from a marketer boring, about two-thirds say they’ll click on the ‘unsubscribe’ link. But 8% say they’ll classify the email as spam.

The top three reasons consumers ‘unliked’ a company on Facebook:
The company posted too frequently: 47%
My wall was becoming crowded with marketing messages and I needed to get rid of some of them: 43%
The content became repetitive or boring over time: 38%. (Another 19% said the content wasn’t relevant from the start, and 17% said the company’s posts were too chit-chatty and not focused on value.)

Why consumers unfollow on Twitter
The company’s tweets became boring over time (52%). An additional 15% said the content wasn’t relevant from the start. Some 21% say the tweets were too promotional, and 20% said the tweets didn’t focus on value
41% needed to cut down on the number of tweets they saw
39% said the company tweeted too frequently

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