Monday, 2 February 2009

How do I ensure effective meetings?

"I understand this may seem over the top, but we need to do this, so that I ensure that I do not waste your time. This will keep us moving and on track."

1. Set expectations and ground rules at the start - What do they expect from me as manager? and what do I expect from them as participants?

2. Agenda - Even if brief, it keeps meeting on track and creates accountability. Send out meeting and reading materials before hand so that participants can prepare.

3. Request Input - demand that each participant bring something relevant to progression of the meeting. Settle on a common topic for all participants to address.
It may be a question or an idea. Make sure it requires no more than 5 minutes preperation. Go around the room and have everyone contribute their input.
This helps participants mentally prepare and stay active.

4. No Chairs - By sitting down participants enter passive mode. Having them stand up keeps them active, engaged and gets the blood flowing.

5. Encourage Participation - Call upon all to contribute. Use open ended questions. Have sweets available to give everyone a sugar rush and something to look forward to.

"John, you shook your head. What do you disagree with?"
"I would like to hear from Bill on this."
"What may we be overlooking?"
"What don't we know that we need to?"
"Is there anyone who has not weighed in on this issue?"
"What is your view on ..?"
"How could we?"

6. Summarize Effectively - Choose one person randomly to summarize the meeting. This will keep everyone on their toes and force them to actively listen.

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