Monday, 5 April 2010

Book - 59 Seconds - Learnings

Franklin Effect - Get someone to do something for you to increase likability.
Pratfall Effect - The occasional slip-up increase likability. (N.B. only when fear is that seen as too perfect) . Consider Kate in the Apprentice.
Make it personal - Appeals about a single child starving or a lost dog named rupert are more likely to generate interest and support than statistics on the hundreds of thousands dying.
Yes, Yes, Yes - People are more likely to agree with you when they have already said something positive - Think fundraisers asking "How are you today sir?" "Are you enjoying the weather?" "Would you benefit from some extra cash?"
Likeness = Likeability - we like people like us - people answered more surveys from people with the same name - find the similarity that links you and a customer & use that to build rapport.
Facial Feedback Theory - Smiling makes you happy, its not that you just smile because you are happy, but you are happy because you smile.

Humour to close the deal - "My final offer is £110 ... And I'll throw in my pet frog!" - extend hand for close.
Avoid Diffusion of Responsibility - Everyone assumes that the other person will do it - farmers lifted 85kg alone but 65kg when in a group - Need to make the request personal (not send to all) in order for accountability. Why brainstorming is inefficient.
Save your time, Persuade by rhyme - More memorable, likeable, repeatable - "Beanz, Meanz, Heinz" - "A Mars a day helps you work rest and play" "If the glove don't fit, you must acquit"
Every Penny Helps! - Many people are concerned that if they give only a small amount that they will be viewed as mean, so end up giving nothing at all.
Spontaneous Favours Elicit the Desire to Reciprocate - the more thoughtful the better - E.g. waiters giving sweets with bill, then giving an extra one and saying don't tell management - received greater tips as it appeared thoughtful and personal though small. Give pen at meeting, buy a pint for colleague, give a free booklet.
Baby Back! - in studies, those wallets that contained pictures of babies or a dog were more likely to be returned than those without.

SUCCESS = SMART Goals+(Sub-Goals & Rewards) - "People tend not to walk around and end up on the top of Mount Everest"
Public Declaration - Telling others about your goals increases likelihood of success - hold you accountable - can't deny to yourself.
Zeigarnik's Unfinished Tasks - "unfinished tasks stuck in a person's mind like an unclosed door leaving a draft" - anxious mind nags away until you complete it.
Take advantage of this by starting all tasks you need to complete if only for a few minutes.
Bottomless Bowl Effect - In a study by Wansik of Cornell University -he found that those consuming from bottomless bowls ate 75% more than the control. Suggests we eat until we have finished, not until we are full!
Science of Dieting - Power of Slow - Eating slowly makes people consume less, especially if they get slower as they progress. Tall Glasses appear more - people consume more when a glass is smaller and wider as assume less. Out of Sight Out of Mind - more accessible = eaten more often. Beware the large Crockery - the larger the bowl the more participants ate - Focus, Focus, Focus - the more distracted participants were the more they ate e.g. in cinema.

My first sub-goal is to _____________.
I believe I can achieve this goal because _____________.
To achieve, this sub-goal, I will _________________.
This will achieved by the following date ____________.
My reward for achieving this will be ______________.

Two guys in a room theory - Loud guy needs to let the quiet guy speak - Unconcious guy has all the best ideas but doesn't always get his ideas across because the loud guy - concious mind - is a talker, clever but less innovative. Distract the loud guy with a game or reading and the quiet guy can shine thru.

Breaking + Priming- Prime your mind by working feverishly on a problem. Then leave it unfinished and feed your mind with diverse experiences. Helps with different approaches to solve the problem.

Change Perspective - Solve a difficult problem by asking how would a child, doctor, clown, teacher, fireman - approach this?

More Green = More Creativity - Green is associated with positivity and relaxation - studies showed that having pot plant/ greenery in the office increased creativity.

Priming - Studies have shown that if you sit people in front of a screen saver containing dollars and money symbols they behave in a much more selfish and greedy manner and give less to charity.
Add a faint smell of cleaning detergent to the air and people tidy more thorougly.
Give interviewees a cold cup of coffee and they report the interviewer to be more cold and distant.
Black students thinking about black olympic athletes performed better on tests than those primed with watching black crime stats.
Reduce Worry = Increase Creativity - Strong link between anxiety and creativity - when worried participants became more focused and concentrated on the task at hand, don't see peripheral solutions, become very risk adverse, rely on well-established routines as opposed to innovative new approaches.
Touch of Authority - people more willing to comply if you give them a gentle touch on shoulder or upper arm as you make the request.
Mirroring - lean forward shortly after they lean forward, sit back shortly after they lean back, cross arms shortly after they cross arms.
If you were a _____ what would you be? If you were a singer who would you be? If you were an actress who would you be?

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