Thursday 3 July 2008

In the beggining!

It has been, coincidentally, exactly 2 years - plus or minus a few days - since I embarked on my quest to create a blog that, at the very least, would enable me formalise and collate my thoughts and learnings while developing my career. At the very best I hoped I might attract interest from a number of like-minded who might even leave a comment or two.

By post 5 what had started as a blog became a file store dump where I could keep interesting articles, thoughts, ideas and learnings with complete disregard for any readers. They blog had become an online file store for me. By post 23 I had gotten bored and just started saving this in gmail...what started as a blog became a file warehouse.

Well here I am to finish what I had initially envisioned...a blog of my learnings in the world of high-end software. Some areas I would like to cover:
  • How to sell Hi-Tech to enterprises
  • How to persuade customers, colleagues, managers
  • Understanding market drivers
  • Understanding the economics of everyday decisions
  • How to distinguish the technicality feasible from the commercially viable
  • How to accelerate your career
  • How to maximise your potential within your organisation
  • Problem Solving Tools and Techniques
  • Planning Tools & Techniques
  • Negotiation Tools & Techniques
Incidentally, here is the quote from my first "blog":

"After much debating (no pun intended) and deliberating I decided to go with aul Lao Tzu's the Chinese founder of Taoism quote as the first subject of the first post of what I hope will be many more useful and interesting ones.
Having always intended to setup an account I have never wanted to take that initiall belegauering signing up process. But today I decided to get it over and done with, so we're in action!
So what is this blog going to be about then, why should I waste my looking at this blog when I could be working? Well to be honest I can't tell you right now, but after a few posts I'll get back to you!"

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