Wednesday 22 July 2009

How do I move the sales conversation from cost to value?

Need to highlight 6 different areas of savings: [RQDCRRP]

The key way to phrase it is:

"Would you benefit from {FEATURE}?"


Do you have legacy systems that contain key information but are not often searched?
Would you benefit from a single information access platform merging data silos across all your organisations information?

1.Revenue improvements. How much more of your customer’s own product will your customer sell, if they buy your solution?

2.Quality improvements. How much money will your customer save in eliminated reworks, scrap, overtime, etc., if they buy your solution?

3.Delivery improvements. How much money will your customer save in expediting costs, airfreight charges, etc., if they buy your solution?

4.Cost reductions. How much money will your customer save in labor costs, overhead, etc., if they buy your solution?

5.Risk reductions. How much money will your customer save in eliminated penalties and litigation if they buy your solutiont?

6.Recruitment and Retention. How much money will your customer save in terms of hiring expenses, relocation, retraining, etc., if they buy your solution?

7. Pain Reductions. How much easier will life become with this solution?

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