Friday, 31 July 2009

How Can I Raise My Profile At A New Job?

Key Objectives:
1. Getting a handle on your company’s business
2. in doing your early branding to establish your reputation as an enthusiastic and motivated problem solver.

1. You want to learn more about:
- your specific area
- how all the pieces of your company fit together
- strengths and weaknesses + opportunities & threats
- competitive landscape

Talk to a lot of people outside your area, perhaps by just asking them to coffee, explaining that you’re new and want to get up to speed, and asking them questions, in a collaborative way, about their areas and insights into the company.

2. Quickly shape a positive and powerful impression of who you are and what you bring to the table.

Use every meeting and interaction with your new colleagues to:
- introduce yourself
- explain your background
- explain your reason for joining
- show what you’re hoping to do at your new company.

Seek out your colleagues and superiors who seem to be the most knowledgeable and successful, and ask them informed questions about the company and how things get done there, which will also give you valuable insight into the corporate culture.

One of my clients recently landed a new position as a director at a large manufacturing company. After getting the job and starting there, he went back to everyone he interviewed with, especially those high up on the org chart, and thanked them for the opportunity. He shared some smart first impressions with them, asked knowledgeable questions about the company and its challenges, and laid the foundation for regular and continuing contact with each of them.

All of this affirmed their judgment that they had hired the right person and after just a few months there, he’s considered a great fit and possibly someone in their succession plans.

That’s the kind of impression you want to make whenever you start a new position.

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