Tuesday, 22 June 2010

How do be a great leader?

premise that leaders who act as “multipliers” make others smarter and more able, while “diminshers” reduce their abilities and make them act less capably. Multipliers builds on the decades-old thinking of scarcity vs. abundance; research on organizational connectors, such as Malcolm Gladwell’s Tipping Point; and advice on making managers more humane, such as Bev Kaye and Sharon Jordan-Evans’ Love ‘Em or Lose ‘Em. Here’s what Wiseman found:

Multipliers attract and unlock talent, and diminishers build empires
Multipliers inquire into mistakes, while diminishers assign blame
Multipliers set direction by challenging assumptions, and diminishers act as know-it-alls
Multipliers spark debate, while diminishers tell people what to do
Multipliers invest for the long term, and diminishers micromanage

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