Monday 22 June 2009

How do I give a kick-ass demonstartion?

Golden Rule: Alaways be looking for THE FLIP
- Before I answer, for what reasons is that important to you?
- Before I kick-off, What areas would you specifically like me to cover?
- So that I make best use of time, tell me, what are you interested in seeing specifically?

P.O.A.E.M - Problem.Our Offering.Advantage it brings.Example.Metrics

Describe benefits from different perspectives

There are a few different perspectives here, from the buyers perspective...from the end user perspective.

Each demonstartion should tell a story, with a context setting beggining, a feature showing middle and a advantage communicating ending.

1. Describe the feature (THE WHAT). Describe how it works (THE HOW). Describe the benefit this brings (THE WHY).

2. Make every attempt to tie a feature/function to not only solving a problem for your audience, but also to how another customer in the same industry solved that problem and what was the benefit to them (THE TIE).
Was it cost reduction of $X? Was it time savings of X days? Was it system consolidation of X systems down to Y. REAL benefits will go much farther than marketing benefits and it makes you a very credible source.

The perfect demonstration also frames a story.
Imagine...{Stakeholders Emotional Pain Point}...Now you can/All you need to do/What you can now do is... click the/use the/select the....{Resolution Using Feature}.....This incresed/Saved/reduced...{Benefit};post-10149

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