Monday 22 June 2009

How do I sell to C-level?

Executives have very little time and you should be happy they gave you 30 mins of their time to hear your spiel. Make it worthwhile for both parties by following 3 simple requirements:
  1. A summary of the exec’s business strategies, challenges and opportunities.
  2. A VERY brief summary of your company and offerings.
  3. A business case for how your two firms can work together. Using your offerings to solve a C-level problem or achieve the a C-level goal.
Lower level employees don’t mind if you probe around and ask questions to get a better picture of their requirements and needs. In fact, they often like showing off their knowledge. Try to “probe” a C-level exec and chances are you’ll be told where to stick that probe. C-level execs don’t have time to give you an education, so you’d better have done your research long before you step into the corner office.
C-level execs don’t have that kind of time to waste. They’re interested in broad business issues like corporate strategy, revenue and profitability. So you’d better have a business-focused value proposition that justifies C-level attention.

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