Wednesday 9 December 2009

How do I effectively communicate my strategy?

Have your 3-5 strategic priorities to refer to in every discussion. Keep it simple, stupid: this was the cornerstone of Richard Baker’s approach. Like a politician who has decided the answers they wants give, even before they’ve been asked the questions, Richard was able to bring all of his responses back to his key priorities for the business.2.Expect to communicate it over 6,000 times. If a strategy has a ‘life’ of three years and we assume that there are circa 200 working days a year and that you have 10 opportunities to articulate the strategy each day, there are up to 6,000 separate strategy sound bite opportunities over the three years. It may sound simplistic, but it’s a good place to start.
3.Have conversations, not speeches. More important than your big, set-piece speeches is the drip, drip, drip of your daily conversations. Unless they are in line with your key messages, your carefully crafted annual speech will be quickly forgotten and ignored.
4.Create an emotional connection, not just a rational argument. Strong logic and rationale will help your people understand the new strategy, but they will only become committed if there is an emotional impact as well. For example, one of my clients, Avon Cosmetics, focuses its message around its goal of ‘empowering women’. This message helps create an emotional connection between the company and its thousands of, almost exclusively, female representatives around the globe.
5.Use stories and examples. When Sir Stuart Rose became CEO of M&S he used the story of how one product manager developed a new espadrille shoe in just 12 days -– by ignoring the company’s usual development processes – as an example to the rest of the business about effective risk taking.
6.Take visible action. In the end, of course, actions speak louder than words. For example, one way in which P&G’s ex-CEO, AG Lafley, hammered home his message that ‘the consumer is boss’ by ensuring each of his business trips included in-home and in-store customer sessions.

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