Monday, 15 December 2008


How many employees currently have access to business intelligence as it happens?

How many of your employees make decisions based on what they already know as opposed to up-to-date information?

How aware and responsive are your employees of opportunities in the market? How is this achieved?

How do you currently monitor your competitors moves?

Unlike, Rather than:

Relying on employees to go out and seek information by reading candidate sites and searching different locations which can be time consuming.

We can push, relevant and only relevant content to employees so they are alerted to topics as they happen.

Business Objective, Business Challenges:

Increasing awareness and knowledge of the workforce.

More educated decisioning

Ensure employees are up to date and informed – “no more. I haven’t seen that../I didn’t know..”


DnBNor, Norway’s largest financial services group utilises FAST’s technology to monitor and crawl selected financial services hot bed sites on the web.

In one instance, Svanberg, the Ericsson CEO was speaking at a Danish Business School. He indicated that the Ericsson results would be below projections for the year. During the session, their was a Blogger actually detailing live the details of the session.

The DnBNor FAST crawler had been setup to crawl this news site and managed to pick up the story as it was being blogged.

Having this foresight, DnBNor brokers were able to offload millions of Kronor in stock to bring about hundreds of thousands of pounds in savings.

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