Tuesday, 16 December 2008

Why Segment Markets?

From Moore's "Crossing the Chasm" - allows you to explain your product in a structured and concise manner to help the customer attain that Eureka factor:

Why Segment Markets? (and pick just 1 to target at a time - FoCus)

  • Maximize benefit of resources... references, collateral, internal procedures and documentation (this is our biggest issue)

  • Higher Critical Mass of Word Of Mouth ...because if your early successes are all in different markets then those different stories don't add together - market consisting of buyers who reference each other)

  • Big fish in a small pond: halo effect of 'being a winner' ....this is more important where there is a real need for a Whole Product solution to be assembled from multiple vendors, and therefore the prospect wants to feel certain that you will have partners creating the supplemental pieces of the Whole Product)

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