Wednesday 17 December 2008

Auto-Generated drill-down faceted navigation.

Auto-Generated drill-down faceted navigation.

How do you ensure employees are leveraging all information assets not just relying on what is found on found on the first or second pages?

How are users encouraged to discover new information?

Can users quickly perform a deep dive and narrow the result set down from several thousand documents to a handful of the most relevant ones with a couple of clicks?

Rather than, Unlike:

Not just millions of text links, a la Google. If answer is not found on page 1 or page 2 the user is required to craft a new query. No insights or intelligence is provided onlt the recovery of text links where answers may be found. There is no discover information they may not have know existed. How can I have knowledge of what I don’t know exists?

Business Objectives, Business Challenges:

Educating employees beyond information they already know exists.

More knowledgeable employees can make better decisions.

We can fully activate all knowledge – long tail – not just popular articles.


Factiva, a premier information services provider powers their search on the FAST platform. About 3 years ago now, they came to the realization that, hey, information is free. We are part of the google genearation. So users do not want to pay for information they can get for free. They need to shift their unique value proposition. They realized they needed to create a richer user-experience that would bring time savings and added intelligence to clients over a free web search. After conducting due diligence, they finalised on search powered by FAST.

FAST’s search platform enables users to have a ‘conversation with the data’.

If I type in Yahoo, I can then drill down by source. I can see different key concepts emerging. Comapny names such as Microsoft bubble to the surface. Certain dates spike. This intelligence is telling me that something involving Yahoo and Microsoft has happened on this particular date. Low and behold, this was the day of the Microsoft attempted acquisition announcement.

So we engage users in a dialogue. If you were new to an area, and you wanted to find a restaurant. Upon asking your concierge for a nice place to eat you would not expect a directory listing all restaurant names to be dumped in front of you, would you? No. You would expect to engage in dialogue with the concierge. What type of cusine? How far do you wish to travel? What price are you willing to pay? These questions would help you narrow the decision to the best fit for you. Without those questions this is not easy to do. This is essentially what FAST’s technology does versus your favourite online search engine.

You may be sitting on a vast storehouse of knowledge, but much of it is underused. As a former HP CEO said. If HP knew, what HP knows, HP would be 3 times more profitable.

We need an effective means to enable deep dives on information. To slice open the content corpus to get reachthe nuggets of information.

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