Wednesday 17 December 2008

Synonym Studio

Synonym Studio

Do employees find it difficult to generate the right keywords to use?

Are employees often presented with 0-results after dispatching a query?

Rather than, Unlike:

FAST understand that users can be subjective - you may say largest and I may say biggest, you may say broker and I may say agent. The use of colloquialisms an acronyms can further complicate things.

Business Objectives, Business Challenges:

Increase the findability of information.

Less time spent gathering. More time on high-value tasks.


At, which is powered by FAST. They utilised our Search Business Centre to analyze their logs and found a high number of searches for Ipod. However, Dell do not stock ipods so users were being retuned 0 results. previously 0 results – missed opportunities – mapped ipod to mp3 player :: Serving relevant results> increase in profits

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