Wednesday 17 December 2008

Single search box empowers all

Single search box.

Can all employees currently extract information reports from the current CMS systems and BI tools?

What happens if they need this information?

Does this create a bottle neck?

Would it be beneficial to empower these users to extract this information themselves in real time?

Rather than, Unlike:

Complex query language interface that require SQL knowledge or programming knowledge. This creates an information asymmetry, where only those with the limited skill set can access the data.

Business objectives, Business Challenges:

Expedite adoption by all business units.

Maximize use of information assets.

Minimize learning curve and training required is zero.


Users resist change. It is difficult to encourage a change in behaviour. Not many people enjoy investing time to learn a new process. However, search is intuitive. We simply type in key words and are returned relevant results. You don’t see many training courses for Google?

Search fosters quick and easy adoption. It reduces the training investments. It facilitates “knowledge pull” by empowering all grass roots employees.

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