Monday 15 December 2008

Holistic Decision Making

How many different search interfaces must employees visit in order to conduct an organisation wide search?

What level of training is required for new employees to skill-up on all these interfaces?

How are you currently accessing and viewing all the business intelligence that is available in your enterprise & internet?
How many users currently have direct access to near real time business information such as stocking levels, daily sales and customer data?

How is your confidence level regrading employees making decisions with knowledge of all information?

Unlike, Rather Than:

Making decisions based on incomplete information because it is too time consuming to log in to each of the systems and use the poorly performing native search for each of the individual systems.

Business Objective, Business Challenges:

Improve ROI on existing knowledge assets.

Increase awareness of opportunities in the market.

Increase employee productivity.

Avoid the opportunity cost of having limited intelligence.

Better understanding of potential market opportunities.

Better understanding of the risk associated with a customer. Sarbanes Oxley.

Would it benefit you if you could?

Provide users access to all available information to allow for the most educated decisions.

Allow employees to fully leverage all silos with a single search from a single portal.


A banking client of ours had multiple systems and applications that users were required to log in to. The variety and complexity of these systems meant that new employees required a 4 week training course before even commencing the role.

The job itself was quite monotonous and required a lot of repetitive searching and flicking through systems. On top of that, it was not great pay. They found it difficult to retain staff.

So they were losing tacit knowledge of the employees that had climbed the steep learning curve. This meant more costly re-training on employees they were not certain would return on their investment.

Using FAST to aggregate and abstract the data sources to a single location meant that the ramp-up time is down to a couple of days from a couple of weeks. This means a reduced training cost, quicker ROI & reduced churn.

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